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I've been procrastinating and haven't really started at all on art or real content yet. I did manage to make a lot of progress on NPC routines though. At this point it's possible for NPCs to:

  • Move to different waypoints.
  • Wait in place for some amount of time.
  • Say something.
  • Set a global game-state flag.
  • Wait in place until a game-state flag is set (good for synchronizing multiple NPCs).
  • Switch to a different routine.
  • Conditionally switch to a different routine if a game-state flag is set (this is how player interaction will affect the game mostly).

Originally, each NPC routine was defined in an array, like this:

    ["message", "Hello world"],
    ["travel", Vector2(600,300)],
    ["message", "Goodbye world"],
    ["wait", 2.0]

But I decided it was going to be a pain to define them like that for the actual game, so I wrote a parser to load routines from plain text instead. Now I can define the same routine like this:

message "Hello world"
travel 600 300
message "Goodbye world"
wait 2.0

If you've got something this robust in place, you could even try adding a level editor. Sort of a combination of Ghost Trick and the Incredible Machine?


That's a fun idea! Although right now I'm not really planning for the interactables to be very modular, they're all gonna be unique elements that are designed for one scene.

In previous non-horny game jams I've done collaborations where I designed all the modular components and gave them to a collaborators so they could do all the level design and stuff, which worked pretty well I think.


Looks like it's gonna be a huge crunch from here out. I keep updating the scripting system instead of actually making game content.

I managed to get started on art stuff last night. Got dialogue busts and map icons for about half of the characters. I'm only spending about 25 minutes on each character so it's rough, but here's the cast so far.

There's also unclothed versions of each one!


Looking stylish!


It's too easy and tempting to keep adding code features. I was planning to switch to improving my sprites almost 5 days ago, but ended up making a bunch of changes to my battle system and menus instead. Wishing you the best of luck with getting the art finished, I really like the designs!


I've submitted my project! I got uhhhh one scene done instead of the seven or so I planned, but it's still fun as a proof of concept. I really struggled to find good spots for interactivity; it mostly plays itself other than a couple very basic puzzles. Thus I'm calling it more of a "scene" than a game at this point.

(1 edit) (+1)

Can't wait to check it out! It sounds like you built a good engine, so maybe you can add the other six scenes bit by bit over the year.