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i really like the art in the game, feels warm, but the towers don't really do anything (shooting or anything) and the zombies can take them down in 1 hit, that's kinda impossible to last more than few seconds(or at less for me >.<) with a lil balancing and audio am sure it can be a great game :3


Thank you for your comment! Unfortunately, I didn't have time to implement the towers and the torches mechanics, though I still left them in to show the building mechanic! I had issues with the zombies aswell so I "band-aid"ed the building-destroying aswell.. Audio is something I also had big plans for aswell (composing a retro-but-medieval style theme and custom sound effects). Being my first game jam while learning the GDevelop workflow design, I really underestimated my time-management. Despite all this, I had a lot of fun making this little prototype, especially the art, wanting to make pre-rendered "fake-3D" sprites à la Donkey Kong on the SNES, and I'm really happy that you enjoy it :)