This was one of my favorites so far. I only played through two of the endings, but I definitely felt a bit of story kinship between our two pieces! If you haven't read "Six Wakes" by Mur Lafferty I think you'd really like it.
To start: I thought the UI was killer. I haven't seen anyone mention the Codex yet, but that was a great touch. This had such a solid feel to it, and you should be proud of how you made it look.
I also thought the font choices were great, and the use of the green glow and the animations to show various things was great. Having said that, I did run into some issues on my browser where the choice font looked a bit off - specifically "Y"s didn't seem to render correctly. Image below.
The story was good, and the world-building worked really well for me. I think sometimes the formatting of the dialogue threw me off, and I'd like to see more "he/she/they said" as opposed to only quote tags or other adverbs/verbs.
Finally, there was some bug with the STATS screen. At one point I clicked through and has -7% and 103%. It seemed to occasionally revert to more normal percentages. I loved the idea of being able to track that kind of thing.
But please know I was a big fan of this overall. Very well done!