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I liked the game, definatly think this game could go places and would like to see it go there :)

few things i noticed:

Turrets were a bit pain to place as i was getting stopped by them all the time when trying to place a nice "lane", maybe remove collision for player or add a aim so you can strafe but place them to the side

Base should probably not allow player inside? i was able to place turrets inside base which seems to break pathfinding for me

Adding a path visually by either a line being rendered or in texture on ground

i liked that the player and turrets had HP and the ragdoll of the enemies.

would have been nice if there was a wave-counter and a bit more TD like on the spawning approach?

more turret types would have been awesome!


Thanks for the awesome feedback.. I will be expanding on the game, however i will wait until the JAM is over.
I had already planned for a few of the items mentioned, like using strafe for the player,  and adding a different placement method., the plan for placing is more of a build then place (Left Click hold to build, release to place with visual feedback on where or not you can place)

In my internal version i already changed the base, and added a wave mechanic. but it's not fully tested yet.

and I am also adding a story around this, i just didn't have the time to fully flesh out everything during jam, so i only implemented the Core basics of the game. 

sounds awesome! i had no idea it was a button down/up action to build turrets xD