What I liked
- Fantastic music and visuals. Definitely ranks among my favorites from what I've played so far.
- Animations were very fluid
- I love controller support. It felt *almost* perfect.
- This the first game that I've played that has kept the scene active while showing the map, and looks good doing it. The "out-of-focus" blur is perfect.
- So much polish. Its amazing what a team can do during a jam.
Improvement suggestions
- You should add the d-pad keys for their respective movement directions. It feels more natural to me to play with the d-pad in 2D games.
- You should definitely add an in-game options/quit/resume game menu. I was pretty shocked that despite all the polish, the game was missing this
- There was a random time where I died and when i returned to the last save spot, I was invisible, and couldn't interact with the game other than attacking and opening the map.
Overall, you guys did a great job!