The art style is lovely, I especially liked the background art in one of the caves! I also really liked the dash that doubled as an attack. I also was impressed with the menu pop-up for the alchemy screen, it looks very robust and nicely made. Unfortunately, while playing I got stuck on one of the screens and was unable to find the way to progress (there was a cliff face on the left edge of the area, and unbreakable rocks on the right...).
Some other feedback
- I think a darker stroke around the character art would help her pop-out from some of the backgrounds, the character is very lightly colored over a very light sky background a lot of the time so the value contrast is pretty low. Other than that everything looks great though!
- The camera tended to be pretty high up which made me nervous whenever I had to drop down to a lower area, I never knew what was down there.
Overall it's a really good looking game and the movement / combat was smooth enough to keep me engaged. Great job!