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Thank you 100 times for this

I took a look at folder spritesheets_4x2 

The first character seems to be split between the two files srw_arpg_0 and srw_arpg_1, is it correct ?

That's tru but you'll also find more variation futher (srw_argp_44.png for example). Tbh, that's not organised by character, but by weapon (slash attack, then sword, spears, ...) ^^'.

It's a bit confusing and maybe difficult to find all of the variation for a same character. Gimme a sec I'll arrange that into subfolders.

That would be awesome because I manage sprite sheets from code, and I load the necessary file for each character

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I have updated

Should be better now :) each character has it's own subfolder.

I'll fix and update it more next week !

Hello Gif, do you plan to change the way assets are exported ? if I implement those fils in my game, it would be painful to adapt everything later :)

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Hello pimox :)

I won't change the export format in the future (maybe more character or monsters will be added, but the structure will remain the same). Is it ok for you ?

I have added another folder with each frame (by character) in case you need it.

I was trying to figure the logic dehind the file names like srw_arpg_0_0 , etc ... and I dont't see the pattern :)

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Arg, yeah you're right, it's a bit of a mess right now. (mostly due to how I name splitted files from their original sheets). Each frame file comes from simple sheets (3x4 frames) which come from bigger ones (4x2 sheets) which also comes from a mix between weapons files, shield files and the Character Pack 😅

At the end of the day you get filenames with plenty of indexes in them 😔. Anyway, I can fix those filenames soon and regenerate the pack (probably next wednesday), sorry about that ! I'll keep the same folders structure tho, if it's ok for you.

if you can do this it would be fantastic, otherwise I won’t be able to automate the management of the different characters :)

Thanks for your great support