> Addressing your performance issues. FPS is of most concern. You should be getting higher fps with the optimization update. Real-time sun lighting and shadows for the day night cycle, and a relatively high polycount and model count in a large seamless world are going to be rough on an older laptop. What fps are you getting on average in different situations? It should be highest standing at the shore looking out to sea or the sky and lowest looking towards the forest, especially with a lit campfire.
Here is more data on it (notice the NVIDIA Performance overlay in the top right corner):
You were right. Looking at the ocean did reduce the load on the GPU. Looks like the main factor for the high GPU usage is all that foliage (leaves and grass).
Toying around with the graphics settings and looking at the performance, the only option that changed a lot seems to be the FPS setting (logically). The others don't seem to do much (they are something, so keep them in, but the effect is small performance wise).
Maybe a setting for the foliage would be the key to make this game available to more players. One for the amount of leaves / grass, one for the texture detail of them and the third one for disabling the wind animation, might do the trick. A setting to disable the wind animation might also solve another problem I had when the shadows got to twitchy or for people who might experience some sort of nausea because of all the movement.
Also, about the "GTX 550" in the minimum requirements on the title page. Did you mean the "GTX 550-Ti?" If you did, my GPU should well exceed that minimum you set there https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-980M-vs-Nvidia-GTX-550-Ti/m1559...
and almost meet the highest requirements with the GTX 1060 https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-980M-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1060-3GB/m15.... As the GPU is at 100% when I set the game to Lowest Settings and 60 FPS (1080p), I ask myself: Are those requirements still up to date, is this the goal for the final version, or is the plan to push the requirements even further?
You also might wanna define "lower end" in that "Video Settings within the game will allow Windstone to run on computers with lower end processors and graphics cards" statement.