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Puzzle design is very good, although a little too tricky for me in some of the later stages, but to be fair I've never been great at spatial puzzles! 

I'm not a huge fan of the textures used for the grass and particularly the water, where the joins between tiles are especially apparent. That being said, everything reads well, and there's some really good polish with regards to response to player input. I really liked the little bounce the rocks made when I tried to push them when they were blocked.

The music is charming, and really suits the tone of the game. 


I spent most of the time just polishing code and making it port to android. Kinda saw this as an oportunity to learn the process of making mobile games with touch inputs etc. I would prob want to replace the textures entirely and change some of the audio as well apart from doing some more leveldesign and better difficulty curve.

I'm glad you liked the player input system. I myselfe think its really important that the game feels responsive and I try to realize that into all my games. I would prob prefer a game with responsive inputs and bad graphics to one with good graphics with unresponsive input or at least that would make me aggro some...
If you are curious, I solved the response thing by storing the players input separately and then just executing it in order.

Just gave the Android build a try - works really well on my phone :)

I was curious on how you handled player input! Thanks for providing details, always intrigued by people's approach, and this seems like a really logical way to deal with it


Thanks for playing it on Android. That was my main focus. Did you also try the First person camera. Doesnt make much sense to play in that mode, but its a bit cool. 

I didn't see the first person mode! I love it, not the easiest way to solve puzzles but it's really cool to have as an option :)


Hi again.
The textures are kinda like placeholders for the game. I didn't spend alot of time on them, just took something that looked -ish like the thing I wanted. That will certainly be updated in the future.