A restart button after a finished game would be nice. Also are some culture/nations misspelled on purpose?
Also: Congrats on your game blowing up btw. Drew Durnil made a video about your game, and I agree with him, it's a great game!
DominicanR ---> Dominican Republic (though idk if that's because the name can only be a certain number of characters or whatever)
Dr Congo ---> D.R. Congo (You could also do D.R.C.)
Tunnisia ---> Tunisia
Phillipines ---> Philippines (one L, double P, instead of double L, one P)
Cabo Verde ---> Cape Verde
"neighbours" ---> neighbors (when it says a country was divided up by its neighbors)
That's all for now. I'll let you know if I find more!
Thanks <3 i've already changed Dominican republic, Tunisia and Philippines and neighbors in the update i'm currently developing.
i will prob change dr congo to D.R Congo because i wanna keep calling it doctor congo when i say it out laud xD.
as pointed out already by others uintah and turkiye is the correct spelling of those 2.
also cabo verde based on my own knowledge (my knowledge can be 100% wrong i'm sadly not a expert on every single country and province in the world) cape verde prefair to be called cabo verde but both versions are ok.
Thanks for the feedback it helped alot <3