Appreciate it, I haven’t tried since unlocking the Nexus IIRC so I’ll try again when I can.
My PC is on ice right now due to a ‘minor’ (kill me) typo while using diskpart causing me to format a 6TB partition I swap between all my drives instead of an SD card lmao.
I’m restoring it all since something unexplainable went wrong and I can’t recover the partition itself.
By the time your back from your break (if you ever leave heh) I may take you up on that.
The Nexus was the only possible factor, and I had met artifact…just never spoke to Morgana, I believe you mentioned a bug involving that scenario.
I had no way to REACH the Nexus after that point last I tried to get either pregnant if memory serves me.
So if that shouldn’t prevent either Lily or Pixie, then I have an issue.
Two actually, no clue how to send you the save file haha.
If the Nexus ‘Map’ is actually required for both of them, I’ll have to get back to you once this unrealistically slow process is done since I can’t interrupt it.
I do have my most recent saves on my phone, but I can’t try again with the Nexus map available right now.
If you think I hit a glitch with that long winded list of information, just let me know how to send the latest save (or folder) in the easiest way for you and I will.
I do appreciate it…just don’t waste your break hunting down my prego issue, I think I’ll survive with a few missing rugrats for a little bit :)~