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Honestly nice concept. But....omg did I wanna rage quite so bad x(.  But ye. if u just starting this ain't bad. Keep it up.

Definitely look into (when u have time) how to fix the bugs. Cause a puzzle game with bugs...isnt really the best. felt like the mechanics weren't really consistent. (getting stuck on the floor is prob because you didnt use a tilemap collider)

A good rule of thumb is to make the enemy hitboxes smaller than they seem. that way it's less lightly the player feels like there was an error. An "OMG I BEARLY DODGED THAT" is way better than a "wtf, I didn't even touch that" 

For puzzle games, it's best that the player feels in control. So making the floor Either add friction or directly modify the player velocity. 

ps: triggers are cool :)

pps: have a fabulous day

so most of the problems are because of my procrastination and not getting work done.

i will try to update i

i think it's best to do small projects when we just starting. to learn from your mistakes and move on to future mistakes (lol).