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A member registered Nov 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Its kinda fun but very short, dunno how much time it took you to make this but a very simple prestige system (even like 2 more minutes of content) would have made it better. 

I encountered that when balancing, figured that when i fix some things (it was very unbalanced) that it will be only endgame when you reach infinity. It seems that its probably a floating point error.

Thanks for the feedback!
I did spend most of the jam making the mechanics so i had only about a day to balance, and this is my first real "finished" idle game so im not that great at balance either.

so most of the problems are because of my procrastination and not getting work done.

i will try to update i

the whole game reminds me of the flash tank games i used to play as a kid :D

i would make only the turret of the tank rotate fowards to the cursor

Good game

intresting game would  make the upgrade price scale when you buy them 

Good game

Like the animations kinda fits the theme as you stated.

Good game

pretty polished and i see you even submitted with a lot of time left

Good game

(1 edit)

i think im done thanks !

i forgor 


graat feedback :)

good idea

pretty good and hard game , like that the freind rabbits dissapear so you dont camp

good idea , i would add like a quest list and make that you have to press a key to continue dialog

on the quest list thing :

  • Get flowers
  • Get honey

in like the left / right up corner

i onehundred percented the game (bought all characters) so here are some bugs :

1 the less characters you have the easier it is so with none i was able to beat the last level multiple times

2 you can  buy characters multiple times

3 i think you can select the same character again because when you spam one it says Max team when you only have one

still a good game

so , first of all  i fell off at the end of the map , second i suggest someting like instead of shutting them down you "send" a beam that hacks them and makes them freindly , the core game has potential

intresting story , like the music , good game

Good game , i like how the wheat feild and sky represent the ukrainan flag

my high score is 15

the memes :D , the game doesent fit the theme much but other factors make up for it , good game

dont have vr :(

the idea seems cool even driving alone is fun, allthough i have noone to play with , good game

the characters look like country balls :)

cool looks like oldschool wolfenstien, i was not able to "befreind" the russian soilders even at point blank range

cool artstile, like that the compas dosent work because there is no magnetic feild

good game, you can walk off screen that can make some levels just standing and shooting maby add walls in some levels? also like that your freinds dont die and own bullets kill you adds a nice touch

good game, the 2 characters 2 diffrent speeds is adding a quite bit of challange, nontheless i beat it

fun minigame, i would add all the things on a list to see what you can achive tho

pretty good game ,for me i heard no sound but that probably was an issue on my side

pretty cool game but i couldnt find a way to use items

the game is good but i had a lot of trouble evading enemies maby add them on the minimap?

could somebody please tell me about the shop? the shop button was supposed to be cut from the game

a bit faster its good if the player goes a little of centre but when you hold just in one directon you go offscreen

the game was in a rush funny thing the enemy script has a tank variant on the orbs situation due to lack of content you are supposed to get a half for 1 boss

i like the concept but the only thing that i dont like is the lack of levels

good game but at later time the soots just scream :D but the way the soots die :(

my high socore is 976

good concept in my opinion you should be able to hold the up arrow key and down arrow key

it was rushed i planned too much so yea i had no time to smash major bugs

good sugestion using i was unity to skip parts and heal myself completly forgot about that