Hi, I came across this game and I have to say that its amazing.
I love the world-building; is nice to find an erotic game that has a well structure plot, and how the elements of nuclear war are frame with the mystic and elements of Ragnarok; very well thought.
I had some problems with the cursor; it was kinda difficult to navigate sometimes.
And also, with the meat and corn; I had to restart because I didn't pass the practice and I wasted the money in flowers in the kr, hahaha.
But, except for that, everything five-by-five.
The CGs, the atmosphere, the music are amazing. (Jorgen wet CG is soooo hot, fuck, hahaha).
The intro song blow my mind; it truly makes you feel hopeless, because of what happen, but also hopeful, for a brighter future, even if its difficult to achive.
Overall, its a very consistent demo; I even dare to say that is the best demo from this type of games, by far. And if the demo is so expectacular, I can't imagine how great will be the future versions.
The characters are all handsome and hot (for now, my favorite is Jorgen, of course). Aaaand, these is where my feedback is gonna be more specific.
There's something that I couldn't quite understand.
In the menu, it says that the characters that you can romance are attracted to feminine or masculine qualities.
Does that mean to feminine or masculine bodies or rather if they have traditional masculine or feminine actitudes (e.g. cooking is femenine and hunting is masculine)?
Honestly, if I have to choose, I'd chose the second option.
I'm more fond on the idea of building the psycholocigal part rather than the physical, because I think is more interesting to see how the dynamics between the guys and your character shift because the choices you make, with more femenine aprroach (like protect, help, emotions) or more masculine aprroach (attack, been more agressive, command, etc.), rathen than a change in the anatomy.
And also, it would be kinda restriction, because maybe you want to romance someone who want feminine anatomy but you don't wanna change the body of your character.
What I'm saying is that, the idea of feminize/masculinize the MC is good, but shouldn't be determinate for the romances. Seeing how the romanceable characters treat you because of your feminine or masculine aprroach to life, I think is better because you can explore their psychological side too, mostly in a post-apocalyptic enviroment where everybody is in constant alert, viligance, danger; all very traumatizing, haha.
(EXAMPLE; In the case of Jostein: he only want to be with someone with feminine actitude, probably because he has a wife, so feminize the body would make Britt more close to the ideal of the wife he has. But, I believe it would be more interesting that you have feminine actitudes, but not body, and see how Jostein has to deal with the fact that maybe he's atracted to a masculine guy, but with a more submissive and feminine social role. That will make a more compelling story and we as player could empathize with his struggles (again, feminize Britt body could be an option too; having both choices to makes, can show what consequences each one develop, making a path more challeging than the other, for example)
How the dynamics shifts, helps to construct a better world-building for all the characters (even better because of the Factions, where usually some prefer one lifestyle/approch to life, different than other).
Also, that doesn't mean anything about the sexual orientation or sexual role of a character (e.g. One character may prefer feminine actitudes/choices, but then is more submissive/bottom).
I think, having 9 romanceable characters, you can play a lot with the psychology and the deep of everyone, making this a more immersive experience.
And that's it. Thank you for reading; I hope my feedback helped you with something. If you wanna me to expand or explain or help you with something, I'm willing.
Hugs, keep the good work. Seeya.