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Hey osur, I played your game on Sunday. I don't have that much experience with ARPGs, so take my feedback with a grain of salt. I understand it all probably makes more sense to people who are familiar with the genre.

I At the start of the game I picked up some potions, rusty sword, and a bow. I was using a sword at first, but I quickly realized the bow is pretty OP. I spent majority of my time in game just kiting enemies, and shooting arrows. Move, move, shoot, move, move, shoot. Most of the damage I took was from when I accidentally moved towards an enemy, instead of shooting, because I guess I clicked the floor instead of the enemy. If there is a button you hold to not move, and just shoot, then I am sorry I was not aware of it. On the other hand, shooting is so safe, that maybe it intentional. I would rather just select an enemy, and attack automatically, but I guess that's not that kind of game.

There were some corners where I could shoot my arrows, but enemy fireballs could not hit me, but it only happened couple of times. Using cheesy strategies is the gamers' way.

After I leveled up, it was not clear to me which stat would make my bow deal more damage. I'm sure it was obvious for people who play a lot of ARPGs, but not me. I went with dexterity, but I don't think it made any difference.

There were few times when an enemy would run up to me, and just not attack for a moment, and other times when the same type of enemy would attack as soon as they got in range. I think it was the ghoul enemy, but again I don't know if that's intentional.

I played for nearly one hour, but I did not uncover as much map as I see from the screens. I probably played too safe with a weak ranged weapon, so that's on me.

I thought the sounds were spooky, so nice atmosphere.

Hey WebCough! Thanks for playing through my game and for the detailed feedback. My most valued feedback is the one I get from people with little no to ARPG or Diablo-like experience, since they usually have a fresh take on things or show me what aspects are confusing and not explained enough ingame - I appreciate you taking the time to write this!

To answer your points directly,

-There is a button to not move and shoot, it's Shift - and as I type this out I realize I didn't mention that anywhere

-Nothing will increase your bow damage, due to balancing. It's mentioned if you mouse over the 'damage' part of the Stats- I'll look into putting it somewhere more obvious

-Enemies have variable attack times depending on your actions and some randomness

-The levels ended up getting generated too big! I've been tailoring for internal testers and sort of made it too daunting (and a bit boring) for DD testers. I didn't want to update anything while people were still playing so that I could get definitive feedback for a singular version

Thanks again for playing, and I'm glad you were able to enjoy my game! 

Fun sidenote: I didn't play any adult games this DD and I included yours in that category, until I just now saw that

>"current build has no adult content, but will be added as development progresses."

so expect a review tomorrow morning!


Alright, that clears up some things. Not increasing the bow damage is probably the right call. It already felt too good even when I accidentally moved towards enemies.

Fun Fact: I played Torchligh 1 much more than any other DD many years ago, but that was also with a ranged character. I don't actually remember how the game played though.

I also expect my game to be more confusing, than yours, so I look forward to your feedback. I guess not putting any adult content in early development has some good sides too. For future reference the adult content is going to be optional, so playing it shouldn't be a problem in future even if you are not into lewd content.