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Tower of KalemonvoView game page

Hack and slash ARPG inspired by Diablo 1
Submitted by osur (@kalemonvo) — 2 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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Killed a bunch of undead and demons! I played a few times and got the hang of it by the third playthrough (I'm a big poe player but never played d1/d2). I did a melee berserk + frost weapon focusing on int and stg. It was fun and strong, the spell system was actually cool and I found books at a very appropriate frequency. What is the base chance to hit? Also do you think it's right to be able to miss barrels (objects that cannot move)? The game had a ton of enemies, and unique enemies. The boss I did kill was a good fight so great job! I will try to beat it eventually. What do you intend on adding next?


Hey OrthelloDev! Getting positive feedback from another RPG dev is always nice. I'm glad you were able to give it a few playthroughs and that you made it reasonably far in! To answer your questions:
Your base chance to hit is 65 (60 natural and 5 Attack rating you get from starting stats). It usually reaches 70 from the base sword, but enemies have their own dodge chances or + to hit modifiers, although all enemies from level 1 have none. Barrels have (I think?) a 9/10 chance to hit - I think the chance to miss them is important since it gives a non-threatening way to establish that attacks miss and miss often.
Right now there are 3 bosses and 4 "unique" mobs scattered around 7 levels (with one of them being a secret level). It would take about 90 mins of playing time for someone with experience to 100% it, so I don't expect most DD players to make it past the Bloodguard boss. Right now I'm satisfied with that length for a game like this, so I'm working on getting everything smooth and polished. Currently I'm working on that shader I mentioned on twitter, and doing some engine shenanigans to improve the lighting. After that there's some as of now secret combat changes to help alleviate boredom non-Diablo-clone fans might experience that'll still stay in the spirit of ARPGs. Hopefully it'll be a nice experience for revisiting players next DD!

Thanks again for the interest and I hope to see your game again next DD - I am envious of your UI work


I figured the low hit chance was intentional and I respect that you have deliberate game design reasoning around it. Look forward to the polishing and secret mechanics! I'll see you next DD :)


So, I played the game, completed the first level, then got to the second one and got stuck on the boss. I kept running away from him and shooting, but it didn't seem to work that well, cause it went on forever, so eventually I got bored and closed the game. Also, maybe the spell he spams not only burned my character's mana, but also healed him, there's no way for me to know, cause I don't see the health bar.

A big issue I had with the game was that instead of shooting the enemies, my character would often run towards them, cause I mis-clicked. It also happened in Diablo 2, but not as frequently, and it also had an amazing feature to mitigate this: if you held a certain key, the character would stop and fire wherever you were pointing. Very convenient. Actually, nevermind, I read other people's comments and learned that you can use Shift for that, and it does make the game a lot more enjoyable, but the help menu doesn't say anything about that.

Similar problem with picking up items: instead of doing it, the character just runs towards them and stands. Especially annoying in battle, when you try to move potions from inventory, you start dragging them outside of it, and usually they just end up on the floor.

Also, the game runs like ass on my machine for some reason.


Thanks for the feedback! Having no health bars is a decision I made for immersion purposes, but since there isn't an in-game way to determine health or a visual indicator for damage dealt, a lot of players would question if they're doing damage to enemies leading to frustration and boredom. This is especially true to ol' bloody, since he likes to heal when players kite him. This is something I'm working on and will hopefully alleviate a lot of issues.
>Shift + inventory dragging
I'm dumb and forgot to mention what holding shift does anywhere, same with dragging potions - you can middle mouse click a potion either in your inventory to equip it to your hotbar, and vice versa.
Either way, thanks for the feedback! I'll check out the performance issues as well


- wall transparency seems unstable and very noticeable, which is not usually the case in diablers
- item description text is hard to read because of the font and colors
- I instantly miss the fast item pop-drop out of chests animation
- crawling enemy is solid horror game tier
- missing item comparison too + average dps 
- enemies don't seem to show their health
- all enemies seem like from a good horror game (would get more value from them in one too), pleasantly unusual 
- if you do missing anims the same way you do death anims, it will feel great
- "I can't do that" is that some mfuggin text to speech, amazing
- not sure why I can't dual wield though
- wall popping is too obvious
- cute toupee helmet
- I was able to just spam my strength up to any number, not sure if bug or intentional for a demo
- didn't seem to actually affect my damage, enemies still die at the same rates (using a bow)
- climbing up ??? in a diabler ???
- the strength spam reset somehow, now the points actually used up
- can't attack with melee when holding shift
- kiting the boss (bloodsoaked guard) was pretty tense for a while, but then it became unclear if I'm doing any damage, not seeing his health meant he could be healing with the red skill thing, so I wasn't sure if I was just getting outhealed and needed to do more dps or just keep going
- noticed I had spells midfight, had to juggle menus and reading the tooltips to find the healing spell that reduces max health
- spammed that while hitting the boss and it eventually died, so probably he was healing, would have been nice to know
- healed after dying

Was pretty enjoyable and it seems like you have all systems in place, just need to grind out the rest of the game. 


Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it, there's a ton of buggy things to fix but I'm glad you were able to defeat the Bloodguard boss! It'll all be more polished by the next DD


Hey osur, I played your game on Sunday. I don't have that much experience with ARPGs, so take my feedback with a grain of salt. I understand it all probably makes more sense to people who are familiar with the genre.

I At the start of the game I picked up some potions, rusty sword, and a bow. I was using a sword at first, but I quickly realized the bow is pretty OP. I spent majority of my time in game just kiting enemies, and shooting arrows. Move, move, shoot, move, move, shoot. Most of the damage I took was from when I accidentally moved towards an enemy, instead of shooting, because I guess I clicked the floor instead of the enemy. If there is a button you hold to not move, and just shoot, then I am sorry I was not aware of it. On the other hand, shooting is so safe, that maybe it intentional. I would rather just select an enemy, and attack automatically, but I guess that's not that kind of game.

There were some corners where I could shoot my arrows, but enemy fireballs could not hit me, but it only happened couple of times. Using cheesy strategies is the gamers' way.

After I leveled up, it was not clear to me which stat would make my bow deal more damage. I'm sure it was obvious for people who play a lot of ARPGs, but not me. I went with dexterity, but I don't think it made any difference.

There were few times when an enemy would run up to me, and just not attack for a moment, and other times when the same type of enemy would attack as soon as they got in range. I think it was the ghoul enemy, but again I don't know if that's intentional.

I played for nearly one hour, but I did not uncover as much map as I see from the screens. I probably played too safe with a weak ranged weapon, so that's on me.

I thought the sounds were spooky, so nice atmosphere.


Hey WebCough! Thanks for playing through my game and for the detailed feedback. My most valued feedback is the one I get from people with little no to ARPG or Diablo-like experience, since they usually have a fresh take on things or show me what aspects are confusing and not explained enough ingame - I appreciate you taking the time to write this!

To answer your points directly,

-There is a button to not move and shoot, it's Shift - and as I type this out I realize I didn't mention that anywhere

-Nothing will increase your bow damage, due to balancing. It's mentioned if you mouse over the 'damage' part of the Stats- I'll look into putting it somewhere more obvious

-Enemies have variable attack times depending on your actions and some randomness

-The levels ended up getting generated too big! I've been tailoring for internal testers and sort of made it too daunting (and a bit boring) for DD testers. I didn't want to update anything while people were still playing so that I could get definitive feedback for a singular version

Thanks again for playing, and I'm glad you were able to enjoy my game! 

Fun sidenote: I didn't play any adult games this DD and I included yours in that category, until I just now saw that

>"current build has no adult content, but will be added as development progresses."

so expect a review tomorrow morning!


Alright, that clears up some things. Not increasing the bow damage is probably the right call. It already felt too good even when I accidentally moved towards enemies.

Fun Fact: I played Torchligh 1 much more than any other DD many years ago, but that was also with a ranged character. I don't actually remember how the game played though.

I also expect my game to be more confusing, than yours, so I look forward to your feedback. I guess not putting any adult content in early development has some good sides too. For future reference the adult content is going to be optional, so playing it shouldn't be a problem in future even if you are not into lewd content.


It has a nice feel to it. Sad that only some of the equipment seems to have proper models yet, but its unfinished, so thats to be expected.

A few Times I got into attack range to play the Animations, but seemed to not actually be in attack range to damage enemies. Also it was really annoying to have to precisely click the enemies, I'd much prefer to just have lmb be move and rmb be attack in the mousecursor direction, altho I understand that it might be difficult with your magic system then. Maybe put spell casting on F or something, since I can't really see it being spammed.

Damagenumbers or something similar would be good I think,  makes it pretty hard to distinguish when I actually hit something vs when I fail to hit. also overhead names for named enemies or a glowing Aura or something maybe? Currently they just blend into the generic enemies.

As for the Levels, I think you'll need a lot more static assets placed around, to make the generated hallways and rooms more interesting. Also maybe a Map thats not as clutched together, currently it seems to try to fill out every empty space it finds, makes it look a bit unnatural for a dungeon cave or something.

Overall, pretty enjoyable Game.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! There currently really isn’t any indicator for when you miss an attack, and it can get annoying while playing. I’ll be sure to work on all of this for future demo days 


I'm not so much a Diablo fan, but to this game looks really cool. The procedural levels and the atmosphere make it a fun and challenging experience. A lot of work has been put on to this game! Keep at it!


Thanks a lot! We're all gonna make it :muscle:

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I haven't played any of the Diablo games much, so I'm not 100% sure I was playing this right. Music and graphics were nice, had that old school feel.

I found myself swapping between sword and bow a lot, which looked like it immediately replenished my health when I switched items. Looks like someone else had the same bug but it didn't actually restore any health, just visually fill up the orb.

One thing I would appreciate is some kind of feedback when you damage an enemy, like a floating damage number or something. Most enemies had an animation when I hit them which made it obvious I was doing something, but some enemies didn't and those that did wouldn't always play the animation.

Was fun to play for a few floors and looks promising.


>I found myself swapping between sword and bow a lot, which looked like it immediately replenished my health when I switched items. 

You actually have no idea how much time you've saved me by specifying how to reliably replicate this! And for the enemy damage feedback, it's definitely something I'll need to improve. 

Thanks a million for the feedback!


Diablo 2 is my favorite game so I was excited to try this one! It was pretty fun and challenging (made it to level 3).  Boss was very hard but I think this is mostly due to the bugs I encountered.
Bug 1) The Health/Mana orb get replenish when I equip new pieces of equipment, but the globe being full is a lie, I am not at full health/mana. Also, for some reason, My mana didn't go higher than 11 and my health wouldn't go higher than 40, even if I pump health/mana in my stats.

Bug 2) Even if I have enough stats to use these books(12) they are in red. If i right click on them I still learned the skill though

Here's some improvements I'd like :
1) Seeing the exp bar, I don't like having to open stats screen to see
2) Reduce exp requirement to level up, it was way too slow
3) Fix bugs about health and mana
4) Buff melee weapons
5) Remove chance to drop nothing on chests and bodies on the floor


Thanks for playing! I'm surprised such large bugs made it through, the health/mana not going over is kind of a big deal and it's weird that I never encountered either. If you could do me a huge favor and send me your log file that'd be grand. It should be around here C:/Users/-Your Name-/AppData/LocalLow/osur/ToK .13/ PlayerLog, and you can send it either on here, or on my discord/twitter which are both shown on my game page, or in the threads, or anywhere else I can find it

I'm curious if a script hit an error at some point when processing your max life/mana or something.

Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to play through and to leave this bug info. I think you're the only demo day player who made it past the boss!

Thanks again

Thread goes fast so I'll post here. There you go!


Really gives me Diablo 2 vibes. Melee is really bad here, ranged attacks allow for dodging and attacking from far away. Melee gets you killed very quickly and right at the start ranged and melee do the same amount of damage. I think some balance changes with that needs to be changed. But it's really excellent.


Thanks for playing! I appreciate the feedback and will look into balancing things more soon


Tower of Kalimari generally isn't the type of game I'd play since I'm not into point and click RPGs. That being said it's clear a lot of work has been put into the art and sound design. The main things I'd change is making the visuals of the levels more diverse in each level so that you don't need the map as much. I'd also make the footsteps quieter.


Thanks again! Sorry I didn't have enough typos


It's all good. Here's a recording of the stream, by the way: 


Very cool atmosphere, nice art and music. Played a couple of floors, maybe they are too big? Or maybe it just feels that way because the content repeats too much within the floor.


Thanks for playing! I will look into having floors be more varied to avoid repetition and boredom