The Environment was pretty interesting to look at after the Tutorial, movement through it not so much. Even with Sprinting fully enabled, it feels slow, I think it should feel a lot faster, tried a bit to slide+bunnyhop, but never breached 1000 (10m/s if you're using UE default values) by much.
Theres not a lot of verticallity to be gained, regardless of what I tried, but maybe I just did it wrong.
Sliding feels alright, apart from the slow speed, changing directions doesn't, thanks to keeping a lot of momentum in the facing direction, slowing you down a lot.
The Tilt on the Wallrunning is nice, as is the jumping off ( again, ignoring the slow speed overall), peaking over high corners is a nice touch, but it was a bit fiddly to trigger it.
Grappling Hook felt off, was expecting it to give more of a pull, then just hang down from it. Maybe it'll work well the way it is if its used to swing yourself around when you have a lot of momentum, but (at least I) couldn't built that much momentum for it.
Sorry if I did something wrong.