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(5 edits)

This is a really interesting concept: being restricted to healing one party member between fights & having to balance whether you think you're going to need access to that member's ability or are worried about another member dying is a very engaging decision process.  And in combat I liked being able to see who the enemy is attacking, it reminds me of Into the Breach.  It makes combat more into a puzzle & you can decide whether or not you want to use a member's ability in order to maintain his value or not.

I think you know that it needs a lot of development, so I won't nag you too much about the obvious stuff.  But I'd like to point out that using spacebar to advance text, the numpad to assign targets, and finally the mouse to click UI elements is going to be awkward for a guy playing this with just his left hand ;)  Also I'd like to have a bigger & scrollable battlelog, when enemies are KO'd they should disappear from the initiative list, and when enemies are stunned so they're not attacking the lines of who they were planning to attacking should either be removed entirely or faded-out.  And considering that whole combat-as-a-puzzle thing I brought up earlier, I'd like to aim divine protection. There were a couple instances where, after using Flash (very clever name btw), only one of my party members would be attacked, or I'd have the warrior taunt instead of attack in hopes of drawing multiple hits, in these scenarios I would like to aim it at my specific party members instead of just clicking it and it protecting God knows who.

I found a mean bug in my playthrough: if I toggle a member's ability I never regain value I lost after I unselect the ability.  So at the moment if a member's ability is selected frequently (because I'm dumb and I kept on clicking it >_<) value gets rapidly drained.  And I just don't know if the barbarian's cleave actually targeted two enemies whenever I used it.  If it does I'd like to target the other enemy specifically, file this request under the same category as "aiming divine protection".

But yeah, I'm looking forward to how this gets developed further. I say during my playthrough that I think it'd be cool if there were relationships between the other party members--say the warrior & wizard are friends, so if you heal the warrior not only would his value & respect meters go up, but the wizard's meters would go up a bit as well.  Likewise you could have rivalries along with friendships, which would give the opposite effect.  Say the warrior & barbarian are rivals: heal the warrior & the barbarian's value drops loads.  And judging by the campfire scene you seem to be planning on having small vignettes, maybe these could further develop relationships between your party?  Personally, this seems like an addition that could add another layer to the whole "whomstve do I heal?" decision making process that happens before each fight--or I could be dumb as bricks.  Ultimately this seems pretty early on in the development process so take it wherever you want!

Here's the video of my playthrough, I hope it helps!

P.S. Mea culpa, I forgot to scooch my mic up closer to me when I started recording, so the first 3 minutes are quite quiet. 

Thanks for the suggestions on controls and UI, I had almost forgotten about the state of the initiative display with all the other features that need tending.

Cleave and Divine Protection are targeted abilities, so you have to click on who you want them to affect. I'll try to make this clearer in the future, maybe with a mouse cursor icon.

Party member relationships (as well as more in depth relationships with the player) were suggested a while ago, and I definitely plan to implement them. It might be a few versions away, since I want to have the mechanics all smooth before I dive into story and characters.

Thanks for playing.