conquest ver 6.1c mod version 2.11
These errors occur when a random portrait is required. Likely only the first one is relevant.I reinstalled the random portrait mod that you posted with the mod. Made a fresh install of Conquest and reinstalled the mod. Didn't load the breed anyone module, but it doesn't seem that would cause issues.
SCRIPT ERROR: weightedrandom: Invalid operands 'int' and 'Nil' in operator '+'.
At: res://src/core/
SCRIPT ERROR: translate: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'capitalize' in base 'Nil'.
At: res://src/character/
SCRIPT ERROR: translate: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.
At: res://src/character/
SCRIPT ERROR: TextEncoder: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'find' in base 'Nil'.
At: res://src/core/
SCRIPT ERROR: generate_scene_text: Invalid set index 'bbcode_text' (on base: 'RichTextLabel') with value of type 'Nil'.
At: res://gui_modules/Universal/Scripts/