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A member registered Jan 02, 2018

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I think this is due to various Tweaks image mods. They have not been updated since before the paperdoll system was impemented. Although you cantry to sort your mods in the main menu Mod tab,  click the Ok button, close the Mod window, Quit the game and restart. This will slove the issue if you have one of the Tweaks image mods installed.

You need to talk to Ana.

(1 edit)

I have always found her in a bandit fort from I map I found or bought. The maps themselves are random finds, even in markets. Are you using ver 9.1b?

This isn't a common issue. Are there any error messages in the console or the log files?

No, it's in a regular bandit fort. Sometimes the maps to bandit forts are rare at the beginning. It can appear in a quest bandit fort dungeon.

(1 edit)

In version 9,1b (the latest) it has taken me no more that two Bandit Forts to find the Cali note. It is always in a subroom with an always green ?.

Talking to Amelia, but NOT Myr, triggers the location. The bracelet can then be found. Theimportant thing is not to talk to Myr. She is not neede to complete the quest and apparently her route is bugged.

In the default 9,0c there is an error in the probabilty setting for the start of Cali recruitment.  Open your Conquest 9.0c folder. Now edit this file src\core\variables,gd in a text editor (I use Notebook++) Seach for dungeon_unique_encounter_chance. Change the value from 0.1 to 0.5 . You can set to any value less than 1.0 but 0.5 is reasonable and reliably generates the Cali start. 

I think getting the bracelet is bugged. In my game, the Rebel Hideout where the bracelet is found diasappeared after defeating the rebels. Usually I find the princess without talking to Myr so I could complete the quest, but not having the bracelet was a disappointment.

SFCRevamp has a mod that allows multiple marrages. Only the most recent spouse get the spouse trait though.

The game is now at version 8.5. I have completed the Beastkin ritual several times. I always start a new game with each new version.

Youare using a very old version of the game. The current version is 8.5b. There have been recent changes to crafting.

Yes the description code references a non- existant modifier. You can correct this by: 

1. Find the data\  file in your strive game folder. Make a copy.

2. Open the original in a text editor  

3. Search for service_suit, 

4. Then find the line that starts with 'basestats' line 1430 if your text editor show line number

5. Find mod_service in that line. change it to mod_pros 

6. Save the file.

This should fix future bunny suit items, but I don't think it will fix the one you already have.

Sorry for the line spacing. I can't seem to fix that.

Thhe mod files are text files. They can be opened and modified in any text editor, I use Notepad++. The pregnancy and training duration are in SFCRevamp_v1.6.1c\SFCRevamp\revamp_dates_and_preg\revamp_dates_and_preg_var,gd

Mastery points are gained by completing certain main quest plot points. I got three by completing the mayoral election. They weren't all given at once. Not sure exactly when they were given

ver 8.2a win64 Tweaks ver 4.2.6

In very hard dungeon Cult ruins, game freezes on victory against miniboss encounter.

Other added dungeons do not have this behavior. Here are the error messages in the console. I expect the last one is the crucial one, but maybe thing went awry before.

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'find' in base 'Nil'.

          at: TextEncoder (<built-in>:553)

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid set index 'bbcode_text' (on base: 'RichTextLabel') with value of type 'Nil'.

          at: showup (res://src/scenes/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary').

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'replace' in base 'Nil'.

          at: translate (res://tmp/

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'float' in operator '+'.

          at: get_rolled_diff (<built-in>:1480)

SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid operands 'Nil' and 'int' in operator '+'.

          at: roll_characters (<built-in>:1510)

SCRIPT ERROR: Unable to iterate on object of type 'Nil'.

          at: victory (res://gui_modules/Universal/Scripts/

There's a mod -part of the SfCRevamp - reduces the time by more than half.

120 turns or 30 days.

That was my initial assumption as well. But, it's new to version 8, and simple labels would be less confusing.

Look in the game folder. Find and open in a text editor this file:assets\data\

Search for  spearadv

In the description of the spearadv find these two lines:

tags = ['recipe'],

slots = ['rhand','lhand','no_stack','enchantable']

Change them to:

tags = ['recipe','no_stack','enchantable'],

slots = ['rhand','lhand']

This should fix issues with new great spears but likely not ones you already have.

It's a bug. It doesn't seem to cause issues, so I guess just ignore until its fixed.

Occasionally, in Conquest, the Master must have some particular class to qualify for a particular dialog option.  The class is always one of the regular classes available by default or at one of the guilds. Note that some classes have one or several requirements to be able to buy them. And in this case the class is one of the classes available by default. 

And you downloaded the 32 bit game version?

What OS are you using?

What OS? What does the console or if you aren't using the console, the log file say?

Its a known issue for the past two versions and has been reported

(1 edit)

Right, unless you provide the proper responses, she will always run away. Her "good" route is easier.

You can remove traits but not add them. Soul stone which can be found as final treasure in Fire dungeon and very rarely in the Elf and Beastkin shops, can be used to remove traits. Positive Sex traits can be gained and negative ones lost during sexual encounters.

Look in the Option button in the main menu, Unselect this option

I agree that outside of their special scenes the unique characters seem bland. 

After the loan is paid off there is still the civil war arc and the forest and beasts arc, both of which require a lot of MC involvement with  several objectives.

Are you playing on Hard difficulty? If so only Growth can be upgraded.

Anyway they are timed, there is nothing you can do to trigger them.

I haven't counted the days, but it takes several days.

I have now played through this quest in 7.2a. I had no issues. Got the bracelet from the hideout and Aire gave up the location. I think IBGSLOAN is correct that the optimal path is to get the bracelet then talk to Aire. Don't talk to the mages. Convincing Aire to talk can be tricky, particularly if you raped after dealing with the lich. Worked in both modded and unmodded games.

I believe you need to start by talking to Zephyra. The next time I do it I'll pay closer attention.

I found it. It is part of particularly tricky quest that can end in the removal of Zephyra from the game. I completed the quest and retained Zephyra and the bowl but I'm not confident that I could it again. That is to say, I don't remember all of my response and which ones had meaning.

To see factors as numbers instead of words, in the first splash screen select OPTION in the menu then deselect this option.

This is fixed in the newest version. I haven't played it far enough to verify though.

Lilith isn't in the game yet