Hi, I noticed your submission is missing source. Your source is everything someone needs to download your game, open it in the game engine, and hit Play to play the game. Here is an example of the files to include: https://github.com/icepol/DeathIsOnlyTheBeginning
Viewing post in The time gate (La puerta del tiempo) jam comments
Thank you Yang, Sorry, yesterday I Uploaded 3 files, but I supposed that files do not work correctly, Today I uploaded a zip file with all the files to play the game, If you downloaded the Zip File and the game do not run tell me please, The run takes a time but it work well in my computer. I appreciate your comment very much. If the problem persists in the zip file, pleas tell me. Thank you friend for your feedback.
Breaking the project up like this isn't making things easy unfortunately. you have to be carful where you extract the second and third archive to, and that there's a duplicate folder in the third one isn't really helping either...
"A meta data file (.meta) exists but its folder 'Assets/1 External assets/ModularSci-FiWeapons' can't be found, and has been created. Empty directories cannot be stored in version control, so it's assumed that the meta data file is for an empty directory in version control. When moving or deleting folders outside of Unity, please ensure that the corresponding .meta file is moved or deleted along with it."
Did I mess up stitching it together?
It seems I actually have to install the latest 2020.3 version of Unity as well, I got compilation errors and dropped into "safe mode"...
"A meta data file (.meta) exists but its folder 'Assets/HoudiniEngineAssetCache' can't be found, and has been created."
... or maybe it's becase one can't use it without having Houdini?
Yes Hecker, the Houdini plugin is needed to work with the first version of the ramp in the last Road to travel gate scenario, but I join the models obtaining one Houdini Model with a meshcombiner, the Houdini plugin in this is not necesary. I think. Thank you for all of your suppert in this jam, for me was great.