(Thanks for putting up a windows version for this!)
Things I liked:
-Super cool intro with a voice-over! Cool story! I assume there is some biblical allusions here in the story as well as a star wars style scrolling through the text- that was cool
-Visually, this game looks amazing!
-It's daunting not knowing how your actions will effect the game so I had to carefully consider many things- a really intriguing concept!
Things to improve:
-Intro felt long and the voice over was not clear in many places. Voice modifier was fine, but making sure audio is clear and crisp and revising the intro into a concise version would greatly enhance immersion (make it max 1-2 minutes) (Note: I don't want to skip it, but I am glad you included the button just in case!)
-You stated you didn't have time to finish, but giving player feedback or at least an end state for when the player has done so many things they get feedback based on your vision (Are they doing the right thing, wrong thing, are they not giving enough time or too much time? etc)
-Music/SFX etc would help with the mood/ feel
This game has great potential and I am super interested in seeing how player choices will influence the rest of the game. Be sure to let me know about future updates, I would love to play this again!