Here's the issue, I love the idea of horror games. The story, the ambience, the methods used to instill the feeling of dread and terror in the player. I make games and tell stories because I love to make people feel things.
However that being said, I am an absolute wuss. It is currently noon in a full house and I am still so scared to play this D:
I'm just gonna pretend like I don't have a choice and need to play it. If there is a jump scare I swear I'm gonna rate 1/5 on everything.
Will edit with my thoughts after.
Have run into the man staring at a wall. Too afraid to move forward. I hate you.
Decided screw it and ran at him but after getting close got scared and ran away again. I seem to be at an impasse. :(
Final thoughts after finishing.
Fun and simple yet wow that spooked me. Like another reviewer said knowing that something was gonna happen at some point scared the hell out of me. Chills at the end. Great game chief.