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Yes we know, as stated on twitter submissions are now closed and we'll be sorting the entries a little later down the line

Saves will carry over on patches and updates. 

Bug Fix Patch 0.6 - 06/07/2022, 11:55PM

  • Ending animatic being compressed has been fixed.
  • Added patch version number to the settings.
  • Added basic support for Keyboard controls.
  • Adjusted Cruxia's interview timer (Maybe will fix the instant kill bug)

Yeah more settings and stuff are in the works to assist slower computers! 0.4 added a bunch of optimisations and seemed to have helped with those that crashed, and the camera shake being togglable is on our list to do, as well as keyboard controls when in a specific room! 

Nougat is just a lil custom night bonus. 

Bug Fix Patch 0.5 - 04/07/2022, 9:40PM

  • Added Nougats end screen.
  • Fixed Achira not jump scaring you at full capacity.
  • Fixed Achira's sound not playing when stunned. 
  • Adjusted Achiras Asset Optimisation. 

This is great to hear!

Yeah it's mostly up to the individual! You can delete it and launch the new build and your save will still be fine. The save is stored within the appdata and can also be deleted of course! But yeah there's no downsides to deleting or keeping a build!

No promise but lets hope for a revised version in the future! 

Does patch 0.4 assist with these issues? 

(1 edit)

Yes her jumpscare will be implemented at a later date. 

 We had complaints and concerns about copyright as samples where used for instruments. So to be safe it is now replaced. 

Yes that is intentional. Asset optimisation will be adjusted as patches go, but right now is maximum to see if it improves anything for those with loading issues / crashes. Achira one is noted, I believe I pushed the test fix for rather than her finished one, this will be addressed in tonights patch. End credits has been replaced, not removed. We had complaints and concerns about copyright as samples where used for instruments. So to be safe it is now replaced. 

Bug Fix Patch 0.4 - 03/07/2022, 9:11PM

  • Adjusted Screen shake.
  • Asset Optimisations. 
  • Mina's Stun re-enabling office elements while in the camera should now be fixed.
  • Suki's Game Over has been adjusted and should be optimal for different resolutions (hopefully).
  • Suki's computer should now reset properly. (Couldn't recreate this issue so I hope this fixes it!) 
  • Suki's deflation camera now has a delay before you can input it again. 
  • Slight balances to Thorne.
  • Added an Extra Tip for Thorne.
  • Changed Achira balance (She should be able to kill you now).

As stated in the patch notes, we're still investigating the crashing issues. Patch 0.3 was just general fixes. We have some asset optimisations coming in patch 0.4 but are unsure if this will address the issue people are having. It's hard for us to fix this quickly as all our systems run the game as intended so we ask kindly for patience 🙏

Do you want to win a chance at having your OC as a Cameo/Easter egg in the next game?

Well Nougat has a challenge for you! 

Introducing the Nougat Challenge! Send footage of you completing an ALL 20 CUSTOM NIGHT and be entered into a draw!

We will be selecting the winners on August the 1st 2022! 


Than you all and hope you have fun!

A patch will be coming for Achria soon! 

Keyboard controls are coming :)! 

Yeah the issue should be now fixed in patch 0.3

Bug Fix Patch 0.3 - 01/07/2022, 7:20PM

  • Fixed the trigger for the custom night potluck star not showing. (If you completed custom night prior I am very sorry!) 
  • Replaced the final credits music.
  • Fixed an issue where the first attack on Cruxia's Minigame would always damage you at the end.
  • Added a new Setting to allow particles to be disabled. 

Future Patches

  • Still investigating the office elements clickable while in camera issue.
  • Plans to tweak certain characters like Suki to make them more prominent. As well as tweaking Thorne and Achira. 
  • Suki screen adjustments.
  • Optimisations and performance settings for lower machines (Like particle disabling) 
  • Polish to the loading screens to stop audio continuing. 
  • Some more context clues to more confusing elements of interviews.
  • Still looking into the crashing issues for those who have it.
  • Further audio settings. 
  • Replacing the compressed ending cutscene. 

I wouild say this is more down to your personal preference which I can respect. I personally prefer smaller rosters like FNAF 4. Though this one was directed to be more chaotic and similar to that as FNAF2. A lot of people love FNAF2, as they like that challenge and that's how this one was directed primarily. I apologise if this one wasn't up to your tastes! 

Thank you!

Thank you! I'll try find similar specs to test on! Its a very confusing issue so bare with me, might take a little longer to fix than other bugs. Is this windows 10 or 11? 

Ah yeah this ones a first, a lot of people who have the loading issues dont get past that. 

I believe this is down to some issue, I originally thought hardware but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. May I ask your CPU, GPU and OS? Trying to collect data on similar occurrences so I can try find what's causing this for people!

It's not a typical bug so I assume theres something causing an issue somewhere in that realm!


I will look into this but it might be a bit later on. Definitely a good suggestion! 

I originally avoided it due to  balance making areas of the game easier, but I understand its hard to do that for each device. So that might be a good option going forward! 

Hello thank you, and thanks for the feedback!

I understand that the 'vore' side isn't for everyone, and may of over included in that area this time. Will definitely plan to balance that variety more in those based-characters for future projects! 

The compression I believe is a bit of an error, but the artist who created it is away right now, but that will be patched in as soon as they return!

I will send the feedback for the song to the appropriate area of the team since that's not my forte! 

Thank you! 

Glad you enjoyed! 

If it's something I accidentally missed, then you would have to complete it again. (Alternatively I can load your save file and alter it for you) But if its an issue with just the star not showing then it should fix itself! Im hoping its the second one aha

Yeah I will look into this! It was more to see how it happened so I can visualize why it might not have given you it, It will be my focus for the next patch! Sorry about the inconvenience, I'm just hoping that its more to do with the star code than anything else!

I will look into this for the next patch, thanks for bringing it to my attention! 

Heck, I will look into this. 

Did you launch them all at 20 by setting individually or did you click potluck in the challenge modes? 

What's the OS, mainly trying to find common ground on the issue so i can research it and hopefully find a patch for it! 

(3 edits)


This is a thread where you can share your feedback. We are updating the game, and have done balance patches already. However we are working on tweaking to feedback! We have many plans already, like adding context clues to some of the more confusing interviews. 

Shouldn't have to say this, but please present the feedback meaningfully. I'm not going to sit and read a rage post. Otherwise they will be ignored. (A good example of feedback is the first post)

Here you can share:

  • Requests for accessibility features.
  • Feedback for features.
  • General feedback.

Here you shouldn't:

  • Report bugs.

Anything unrelated will be removed.

(1 edit)

Bug Fix Patch 0.2 - 30/06/2022, 6:00PM

  • Cruxia Interview Balance altered.
  • Patched the settings of the game.
  • Fixed the early Custom Night issue.
  • Balances to Milkameans Pink Fury.
  • Rareity fix for secret character.
  • Increased the audio of Cindys wing sound.
  • Fixed Milkameans jumpscare not showing.
  • More tweaks and balance adjustments. 

Future Patches

  • Will be looking at the office elements clickable while in camera issue for the next patch. 
  • More balances.
  • Suki screen adjustments.
  • Optimisations.
  • Polish to the loading screens to stop audio continuing. 
  • Some more context clues to more confusing elements of interviews.

Thank you!

This will be in tonights 0.2 patch. 

This will be in tonights 0.2 patch. 

(1 edit)

I myself struggle with those issues so i do understand, It is very hard to balance it perfectly with everyone in mind. Though tweaks even if little should be altered here and there so hopefully it'll help in someway. Maybe down the line I can add some more assistance for audio in the settings, but that will be a bit later on

Ah I understand, yes got it!

Will be in patch 0.2!

(1 edit)

For 4, try updating the game, that was fixed in patch 0.1 as stated above. 

For 5 can you explain? I'm not sure what you mean by this.


The audio is something we're happy with at this point. It's had a lot of balancing to many different audio devices. Though there is likely to be minor tweaks here and there, overall won't be wildly different. I am not sure what to recommend as we've tried to account for a wide range of audio balance. 

There will be some balance changes in tonights patch for Cruxia. The basis is dont sign anything that she wants you to.