Thank you for your quick update!^^
Unfortunately the second issue is still present and the character double attacks when he wields only one weapon and nothing in the other hand.
I'm looking into this further, but the test project has no such issue. When equipped with only one two handed weapon, there is no extra attack, with or without the barehanded attack option enabled.
Are you also using the monkeygrip extension? The extension might be overwriting some of the changes I just made. Also, if the actor we're talking about has monkeygripping enabled, the two handed weapon in the main hand would be considered a one handed weapon, meaning he should be able to get a barehanded attack as an offhand attack, at least if that parameter was enabled.
Block chance should be above dual wield in the load order, it should also be loaded immediately after YEP_BattleCore, before other battle plugins. Since it's disabled, that won't matter just now, but when you do use it later, that'll be a thing.
Dual wield should be loaded with the other Yanfly battle plugins, at least after the action sequence packs. It's probably fine where it is right now, but I'd consider moving it, just in case that's what's causing this.
With it set like this, a normal dual wield actor with only a two handed weapon, and nothing in the offhand does not attack twice using the normal attack skill.
I'd also have to ask you to check a couple of other things as well.
Still looking into the barehanded attack thing. I don't test very often with that parameter, so it's very likely it's been broken for some time after the 2.68 update.
I placed the plugins in your order, but no change.
It is the default attack and not a clone and I´m not using the weapon unleash plugin.
But I use action sequences. Here the target section:
<target action>
if user.isActor()
move user: target, base, 22, offset x +100
move user: target, base, 22, offset x -60
motion escape: user
face user: backward
wait for movement
motion thrust: user, no weapon
face user: forward
wait: 8
action animation
if user.bp >= 1
wait: 15
motion swing: user, no weapon
face user: forward
wait: 8
action animation
if user.bp === 2
wait: 15
motion missile: user, no weapon
face user: forward
wait: 8
action animation
else if user.bp === 3
wait: 15
motion skill: user, no weapon
face user: forward
wait: 8
action animation
ANIMATION 4: target
</target action>
If you temporarily remove that target action section entirely (including the tags), does the extra attack still happen?
I'm not sure what bp is used for, but it would seem that if you had 2, you'd get the first swing attack motion + action effect, and then the thrust one. If your two handed weapon has 2 bp, that could be the problem.
The bp are like boost points from octopath traveler. They are used to get more hits from your basic attack.
But I think it is more confusing than helping for to include them in my post. I´m almost 100% sure it´s not my action sequence, because my character still attacks twice, if I remove it entirely.
Like I said, I can't duplicate the problem in my test project, so it's either a configuration issue on your end (action sequence, passive state granting extra attack times+, etc) or a plugin conflict with something.
From a test play if your project, outside of battle, open the console, and type in $gameParty.actors()[0].isCurrentlyDualWielding() . It should return a true or false (replace the 0 with the party position of the two handing actor, 0 being the first party slot, 1 the second, etc).
Then, go into battle and do the same thing again while in battle. Once again, the result should return a true or false.
In battle, there are many extra checks made, including if the actor has a two handed weapon, a shield, a barehand, etc, so it's normal for the function to return different things inside and outside of battle.
Omg I soooo stupid... I know exactly why you can´t replicate my issue, because there is none. It was all a huge misunderstanding on my part.
Back when I purchased the plugin it was on version 2.69. I set it up and it was perfect for my needs, because a dual wielding char with 2 weapons in his hands was attacking only ONE time. That was exactly the behavior I was looking for. I just wanted one damage pop-up regardless if the char is one-handed, two-handed weapon or has two weapons in his hands.
Time went by and I was working on other parts on my game where the dual wielding character was not important and I think I never tested it again. Now that wrong behavior from version 2.69 is fixed and my brain thinks it´s wrong... there is a bug.. and so on... Completely blind by the fact that this was never an intended feature...
To finalize my post of stupidity I would like to suggest such a feature. An option to not attack twice, even if the character is holding two weapons.
Sorry for the confusion I have caused!