Nice progress since last time i’ve played !
- I’d like a free camera as it seems it’s 3D anyway. Also, rotate with MMB maybe ?
- I’d like to (double) click to move, instead of drag the path, that’s the most annoying thing right now, for me. I often select a merc, find a spot to go, click, and... I can’t, i have to find my merc again, click and drag a path to the spot.
- I’d like to sneak/walk/run to do less or more noise and use less or more AP per move. Run could be 1/3 more distance per AP but can’t fire this turn.
- I’d like to see a cone or something to be sure what is in my field of view.
- I’d like to peak in corner, so i could fine from behind a wall, maybe more AP needed. per shot.
- I’d like to see an icon when i target an enemy showing my chance to hit as a raw number instead of a picture.
- I’d like to open/close doors at will from any 3 tiles next to the door. Unless i’ve missed something, it’s only from the one tile in front of the door, and i didn’t see the option to open/close many times while i just sit next to the door ?
- I find everything too expensive. Healing cost a lot (400) before you can really afford it. Recruiting the third merc is 3500 while i have 2000. The second one with the gun was fine, as it’s "just" a good loot to give. Shops buy very low and sell very high. So as a begineer to the game, first couple of hours feel really slow and quite laborious. IMO, the start should be faster, to ease the introduction.