Pretty interesting idea. One thing that stood out to me was the fact that you can destroy the ice pellets by shooting them; this seemed questionable to me but at least it incentivizes shooting deliberately rather than spamming, which may be a good thing. Maybe being able to know exactly how many hits every enemy would take so that you don't accidentally shoot the ice afterward would have been a good addition.
This has an interesting usage of the dice theme, though I'm not sure how much it benefits the game overall. Firstly, sometimes it seems advantageous to be smaller, but you can't ever use that to your advantage in later levels since you have to gain size in order to lower the numbers on the dice. A bigger issue for me though, is that the level's enemies and patterns are consistent, while the amount of action you have to take is variable depending on the roll of the dice. This essentially could be boiled down to the game setting a random difficulty level every so many seconds. If I beat a level because of a low dice roll, it feels less satisfying because it feels like I only survived by luck.