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A member registered Jun 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks, it was fun talking on stream.

I really love this, such a unique and creative idea and was really fun to solve all the different orders. No real complaints other than the lack of sound but I know how it is not being able to get to that haha. Very nice job.

(1 edit)

I really like this idea and it was pretty fun to play. One problem I had was that it's a little annoying when a note appears below the bottom middle area if you're standing there or passing through there, because it's impossible to see coming and hitting it might hurt you. I think if either notes couldn't appear there, or if you could see a bit below the play area there so that you could see notes before they hit you there it would be better. Part of me also feels like it might be good if you could see which color was going to come next, but I'm not sure. On one hand having only the current color visible makes you have to react every time you collect a note. But on the other hand sometimes there are multiple notes in your trajectory toward getting a note, and it'd be nice to be able to plan around this a little more. You could jump and get the next 2 notes right next to each other with good timing and positioning, or you could see that one of them isn't the color you will want so you decide not to take that jump, etc. Finally, even though there is an explanation of scoring on the game page, I didn't see any indication of my score in game. It'd be nice to have a score display during gameplay. Anyway this was fun to play and it's cool that you got 5 different songs in within the jam.

A neat idea and a decently fun arcade style game. It'd be cool to see more ways of influencing the farmer's movement rather than just having it try to move directly toward you at all times. Maybe you could pick up traps or something. The moving terrain is cool but it'd be nice if there was some indication when one of them is about to rise or fall. Also, little thing but sometimes the collectible will spawn in the same spot multiple times in a row which is a little weird.

Decent game, but execution of certain aspects needs some work. The way enemies spawn could be improved; rather than just having another one spawn near it immediately when one is killed, it'd probably be better to have enemies spawn on some kind of randomized timers and in randomized locations so that you'd have to act quickly and react to where they spawn. The usage of the theme is alright, though in terms of gameplay it basically just amounts to a slightly different respawn mechanic from most other games. The health mechanic is pretty interesting.

Some decent variety in objectives here and an idea that has some potential. A few points I think could be improved. Firstly the controls for player 1 and player 2 aren't symmetrical which feels a little weird; I think p2's shoot button should be 5 instead of 2. Controller support for both players would be ideal though. Also, the execution of the role reversal concept is a bit flawed. As it is, when the border is red, completing the objective just gives the point to the other player, but this means once the border turns red both players are incentivized to just do nothing. There needs to be something more pushing the players to take some action that might complete the objective to make this more interesting. Anyway not bad overall and a local multiplayer game is a cool take on the role reversal theme, would like to see this fleshed out and improved.

This was pretty fun, some cool opportunities for strategy. Would like to see it expanded with more levels and enemies etc. I found that after I consumed a human sometimes the camera would lock which was a bit weird. Aside from that I enjoyed this, nice job.

Neat concept, would like to see it expanded more with more/longer levels. One issue I had was that after speeding up the car is too far to the left of the screen to see what's coming quickly enough sometimes. Would be nice if the camera kept the car farther to the back of the screen.

Pretty unique idea. I didn't understand how everything worked for a bit but once I got it it was pretty fun. Having each character only able to see certain things and having to go to another character to switch makes managing everything an interesting challenge. Nice work.

Pretty fun, managed to get 3rd place on the leaderboard haha. There's a nice bit of depth to going fast with different mechanics, like the way acceleration works with jumping, and landing in slopes. The idea of going fast and then chasing your ghost is creative, but in this implementation it mostly amounts to "do your run twice." If you're trying to go as fast as possible the whole time, then you essentially lose as soon as you make any mistake on the chasing run. There's some potential for strategizing like intentionally slowing down in a specific spot in order to give yourself an opportunity to catch the ghost, but that will no longer work if you're trying to go for the best time possible. I found that the most effective way to win is to just start off slow, which allows you to almost immediately catch the ghost if you finish with a decent amount of speed. Anyway all that is to say, some more opportunities to gain some ground in the chasing phase would benefit the game. Maybe when running away vs chasing there could be slightly altered mechanics that require more intricate strategizing between the two. Aesthetics and presentation are pretty cool, though the simplistic shapes of the terrain make it look more like untiled geometry than an intentionally silhouetted aesthetic. One other thing, I found the weird high jump that you get if you press space too quickly upon landing to be pretty frustrating when trying to time jumps carefully. Anyway was still pretty fun to go for fast times, nice job.

This was fun. The random room layouts and different actions like sprinting and jumping give a decent variety of strategies from room to room which prevents it from feeling too repetitive. The take on the theme is alright, though not very mechanically interesting since the role you play as the player is no different from any other endless runner and the coins could just be enemies in another game. But the theme is just a starting point anyway and the game is pretty fun. Nice job. I managed to get 1183 meters in.

Interesting concept and fun little game. Level design was mostly pretty good with some of the earlier levels demonstrating mechanics effectively. The last level annoyed me a bit but I liked the rest. More levels would have been good and presentation is pretty bare bones, but other than that I really liked it. Nice job.

Really creative idea and use of the theme. Some solutions did feel too hard to figure out naturally, but I don't think the solution to that is very straightforward. If anything is hinted at by the game, then the concept is kind of ruined since it'd no longer feel like you were breaking the game if the solutions are signaled to you. So I do feel like my enjoyment was lessened when I hit a wall trying to figure something out but I don't know what the best way to address that would be.

Really cool idea and was pretty fun to play. Only complaint I have is that the animation between turns is a little slow, it'd be cool if you could fast forward it at least. But aside from that I really liked this, well done.

Thanks for the feedback. This is an issue that puzzle games can often run into if they have a component of tight execution. I was aware of this while making it but ultimately decided that with a core mechanic based around motion, it makes sense to have some stuff that relies on tight timing in order to fully flesh out the idea. I do have some ideas for mitigating how difficult some of it is though, like adding a little delay after swapping before everything starts moving again, which would make successive swaps easier to pull off. Also, in a more fully developed version of this game some of the harder stuff here would probably be later in the game and possibly optional, but there's only so much time during the jam haha. Anyway thanks again for playing and for the comment.

This was pretty fun and the writing was clever. My main issue is it'd be nice if you could speed up the text crawl, some of the blurbs of text are really long and waiting through them between choices gets a little annoying. Aside from that I had fun playing this and seeing different outcomes.

Cool idea and take on the theme. Decently fun but I think the game could communicate the effects of each enemy and reward more clearly which would make building rooms quickly in the moment more enjoyable.

This is pretty fun, and a clever idea. Feels like something that could be expanded into a game that can be used to teach level design, with some more complex objectives and stuff haha. Little things like the player feedback and review quotes were a nice touch too. Nice job.

Pretty cool idea, reminded me a bit of Papers Please. Some interesting decision making with the different effects of each choice. My biggest problem was that the interface with the papers at the bottom felt pretty buggy; I'd often try to click on one and it would snap the previous one I had touched to where my mouse was even though my cursor wasn't on it, making it hard to see the page I wanted to look at.

Really fantastic presentation, love the intro cutscene and all the graphics. The idea is pretty interesting and I enjoyed what was there. It'd be cool if there were more minigames and levels but that's pretty much my only complaint.

Thanks for the feedback. I knew presentation was lacking; I'm not great with graphics or sound, worked by myself and just didn't have time to put sound in. But that will be something I plan around more for next time.

A pretty cool idea with good presentation, but even after playing a bunch of rounds it was never clear to me whether it's possible to gain your fire back, so I kept basically just going until the timer ran out. Also I think it'd be cool there was something to add to the tension, like if you were running from a sprinkler or something.

This is really cool, I like the idea. Seems like there's a lot of potential for strategizing. I got up to the Plains level but it was really hard from there haha.

Neat idea, execution could use some work. The platforming physics and collisions are a bit jank, but that stuff is pretty hard to get right. It's also a bit unclear how things work at the beginning, a little more could be done to demonstrate to the player how the mechanic works. The sign pointing to the pile of blocks is a good step toward that but it needs a little more. Anyway I think the idea is cool and has potential, don't want to be discouraging or anything. Keep at it and you can make it better!

Pretty interesting idea. I like the idea of making changes each time to try to react to people's satisfaction, and the little chat messages are a nice touch. Gaining satisfaction is pretty hard and that feels true to how games actually are, haha. Would be cool to see this idea expanded on.

This was really cool. Stealth mechanics worked pretty well and the addition of obstacles and boxes to hide behind was nice. Also really like the added challenge of beating the level without killing the waiters. The way the characters react to other characters falling over from the traps was also a nice touch. My main problem is that the solid colored floor makes it a little hard to judge exactly where the path of the chef is when placing a trap; something like a simple tiled pattern on the floor would be nice to give a frame of reference. Anyway fun game, nice job!

Pretty fun little game. Art and music are cute, and the varying movement between different obstacles is nice. I feel like this would work well using an analog stick instead of controlling the circle with the mouse.

I put the level skip into the game for my own testing purposes and then right before submitting decided to leave it in in case people in the jam got stuck but still wanted to see all the levels. So seems like that decision paid off haha. Thanks for playing and glad you liked it!

Wow, this is such a bizarre idea but I really like it. Gameplay was fun and the last level was pretty hard haha. The dynamic music with the percussion that cuts out when you're separated from Jean was also a nice touch. Good job.

Cool idea. I think it could use some more variety in different weapon types and different incentives to sell specific weapons over others, like maybe the knight could say something about the battle and you'd have to rely on your weapon expertise to know which is the best weapon to use. Just a suggestion for expanding it though. Was pretty fun for what it is, and I like the graphics and music.

Very good use of gameplay to tell a story, and unique use of the jam theme.

This was pretty cool, I like the idea of looking at the travelers and trying to figure out which ones would be suited to each quest. Would be cool to see this expanded with more complicated conditions and different kinds of adventurers etc. A couple bugs I encountered, I got softlocked after the tax collectors came and had at least one other time where one traveler wouldn't leave the desk.

The switching mechanic is a decent idea, but I didn't feel like it added much to the game and didn't find the gameplay to be much fun beyond just playing a couple battles.

I loved this haha. Really funny and clever take on the theme. Seeing different responses for what you select was great.

This was pretty cool. For the first couple levels it felt too easy to win just by selecting minions and clicking haphazardly but then the last level felt really hard to avoid the survivor's attack haha. Some more variety in strategy would be cool but this was still fun to play.

Amazing presentation. Not super creative with the theme but it was fun to play. Nice job.

Pretty cute little game. I think the biggest way this could be improved is to have more ways to gain score than just survival time. Having items or actions that can appear in the level to increase your score would incentivize you to vary up your gameplay rather than just running back and forth. Platforming physics felt a little rough in some areas but that stuff can be hard to get right. Aside from that, nice take on the theme and good visuals.

Pretty funny game. Mechanically not all that interesting but that seems like part of the joke. Dialogue was good too.

This was pretty cool. I like how taking a card at the end of a battle along with choosing the next protagonist add some layers of strategy. Love the graphics too.

Cool concept and use of the theme! It's actually kind of similar to the concept I used in a way, but not exactly. Great visuals too. Only issue is just that there are only a few levels. But this concept could be expanded and made into a great puzzle game.