Neat! ๐
Managed to beat em all, the last two levels actually started giving me some challenge. Pretty much because I was impatient and not playing carefully enough...
The roll to reload mechanic was awesome. It's always a good idea to have these kinds of multi purpose functions. It added this cool requirement to not reload all willy-nilly. Also would have been cool to be able to dodge while mid jump.
The actual dice mechanic of it on the other hand was quite pointless. Getting a random amount of bullets yet still doing the same damage with em was just confusing. And since there was no time pressure or anything, you could even just keep rerolling against a wall to get the desired number (ie. 4 seemed like the optimal one).
The bullet counter UI was also a bit too dominantly placed. I would have tucked it in to top right corner for example to not be that much in the way. And yet the bullets running out always caught me off guard really. Some kind of audio cue (click) on trying to shoot when empty would have been awesome addition.
Other than that small nitpick, everything looked great! Very nice pixel art and clean animations. Well the explosion effect maybe was quite stock and bland. Didn't really mesh with the otherwise pixelated art direction. The music was jammin' and the sound effects, though just simple bleeps and bloops, had enough variety to not get monotonous and did their job well enough.
The controls felt good too. The player speed was good and the jumping felt great which isn't always a given in jam games. The only thing maybe to complain about (and wasn't anything big) was the shooting accuracy estimation while shooting on angles and it clipping on the box you were standing next to or shooting down from.
Anyways, good job! ๐ It left me wanting for more content and I did play the whole thing through at least twice. ๐