Okay so:
First of all, I think the concept is pretty cool and the atmosphere fits well to the game.
However I think there are a lot of things here that could've been done better. I totally understand that it's hard to make a game in 50 hours but these are some things you might want to improve in the future:
- There is no tutorial and a lot of things seem confusing.
- When you get hit you hardly notice. I only realised after my 10th try, that i kept dying by touching rocks.
- Once you got through some enemies, there is a part where you need to jump over a diagonal block. Jumping over it seems impossible with most jump stats. Making it impossible to finish the game with some stats is obviously not good.
Once again, I know 50 hours isn't a lot, but for the future I'd reccomend you to make less content but then polish that content a lot more.