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I love your melodic style. Very nice buildup too in all tracks with a recognizable theme in each one. Farewell is simply beautiful. I love the combination of piano and strings. Great use of  woody woodwinds in Running through the Woodlands. really feels like running too. What is that hilarious little instrument that sounds a bit like an animal (seal?) in Running through the Seaside? Haha. Signature bell chimes for the ice feel in Frozen Glades (the ice theme is one i missed in my soundtrack, simply didn't occur to me in the current heat!).  Great job overall creating diversity between tracks and within tracks. Thanks for sharing!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! That silly sounding instrument is a Cuica. It's a Brazilian drum that almost sounds like monkey. It's really fun to use if you can find the right context, and I think it works well here. Thanks for listening! 

Cuica! I'm going to look this up. Thanks!