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A member registered Oct 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Glad to see some updates from you, this is looking nice so far. Looking forward to see how this develops!

Thanks for listening!

I used mostly instruments as part of Native Instrument's Komplete, Primarily the Noir piano, the Cuba instrument plugin for Seaside and few others. I also used Spitfire Audio's LABS instruments and their BBC Orchestra Plugin. Lastly, the solo Cello in Farewell and Home Away From Home is the amazing Cinesamples Tina Guo Cello. It was a lot of fun to make this soundtrack and work with all these instrument. I'm glad you enjoyed!

This is quite epic indeed. I appreciate all the work that you put into this, and the end product is really great. The live tin whistle is really cool even if it's out of tune sometimes, it's a very unique sound for a prominent melodic instrument. Great job!

I really like that guitar, recording it live really does bring it to life. It reminds me a bit of A Short Hike at times with your mix of instruments. It's really nice, good work!

Nice job, I like how each track is distinct, but they each still sound like your tracks. Good work!

Really good work. Nice sound and composition. Very different approach since all of these pieces are quite subdue, most that I've listened to have had high energy elements. It's a nice change of pace. Good job!

This is great! Really love the guitar mixed with the chiptune, though I do think the chiptune could be a bit more present, it doesn't have as much edge to it as I would like in this context, but that may just be personal preference. Good job!

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Thanks for listening! My favorite is also Seaside, it was a whole lot of fun to work on.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! That silly sounding instrument is a Cuica. It's a Brazilian drum that almost sounds like monkey. It's really fun to use if you can find the right context, and I think it works well here. Thanks for listening! 

Nice job, I really like all of these. I really enjoy chiptune mixed with orchestral instrument style on display here, and the compositions themselves are really good. I do wish you wrote more about each song and the overall story of your game just to get a better idea, but the music does paint a good enough picture. Good work!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for listening!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I agree about track 5. I had a lot of trouble making it sound right and in the end I simply ran out of time. I do want to see if I can get it sounding right, but that's a project for future me. Thanks for listening!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for your insightful feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it. That solo cello is the Tina Guo library from Cinesamples. It's really nice for expressive legato stuff as you've heard, highly recommend it (It's also fairly affordable on sale given it's quality). The wooden percussion is a Marimba, though it isn't the most realistic sounding one out there so that's probably why you couldn't put your figure on it. It works quite well the piece though. For track 5, I honestly was having a lot of trouble making it sound right, so I completely understand what your saying. I changed the instruments a lot and mess with a lot of different effects, but in the end, I ran out of time so I just had to upload what I had. Given more time, I probably would make it mesh a bit better with the rest of the soundtrack but it is what it is.

I really wanted to push myself to try a whole bunch of styles because I'm still experimenting a lot with music production, so that's where that variety came from. A missing sense of identity is a valid critique though, and it's something I'll surely improve on in the future. Thank you for listening!

Great aesthetic and good pieces all around. Good job!

Thank you! I tried to get a nice variety of styles so I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for listening!

It's rare to see a straight up RPG in jams like these. I like the presentation a whole lot, I really get the urge to want to explore this strange world with dice-people and winding paths. The gameplay being all luck based is a bit risky, and it can be annoying at times to lose to bad luck and have to start over. Some balancing to maybe add some not so random elements along with the random ones may be a good addition.

Nice work and good job to the whole team!

Very simple and a bit stiff. The physics can be a bit wonky (like falling through the floor) and it's a bit too floaty and weightless to be precise in the air. I think with a bit more tuning it could be a lot more interesting. 

Nice work. Pretty simple, but it works well. I appreciate the use of more than the standard 6-sided die. Good job!

I'm a bit confused as to what is happening. Jumping feels a bit strange, and have the dice result be an instant buff make me feel like I'm not in control of the game. I like the idea of rolling around as the character though, the sprite is nice too even if it does clip into the floor.

Nice work. Once I understood how it worked, I was having a good time trying to stay alive. My only suggestion would be to restrict the same number from showing up twice in a row. Good job, especially in such a short time!

I like the concept, it's actually a pretty tricky puzzle game. There are some flaws in the execution though. A clearer grid would have been or an easier way to tell where you would end up on your next move would be useful. As of now, it's very hard to tell at a glance where your going. I think it would make more sense for the die numbers to be on the direction you are going instead of where they are relative to the die. That would just make it more intuitive even though it doesn't make much sense.

It's pretty interesting though overall, good job!

I'm astounded. I can't even imagine how you managed to make so many well made, highly detailed pieces in such little time. Lots of great ideas and imagination. I love the chiptune fusion with the orchestral instruments. Great job!

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Nice work. I really like the overall sound and the compositions are good. When the drum comes in, it can get a bit rough just because of mixing live recordings with MIDI instruments can be a bit tricky, but it's overall very well made. 

Great job. There is a good use of motifs helping keep the whole thing together. I really like some of synths you used here, not to harsh but just right to give that mechanical feel. 

Thanks! I'm really happy how the Woodlands piece turned out, especially the percussion. It took awhile to get it sounding right, but it was worth it. 

Thank you for the kinds words. Yes, that is a Cuica! I really like the sound, but it's also a risk to use since it can easily sound out of place, but I think it works great here. Thanks for listening!

Very unique approach to take a real life story and create you submission off of it. The tracks a good too, though I do wish there was a little bit more, but that's a good problem to have. Nice work!

This one is really good. Great production quality and continuity between tracks. Some of the non-instrument sounds (like the breaking glass and footsteps) do stick out a bit, but those are minor issues in an otherwise great album. Good job!

I like the idea of this one, but it's a bit frustrating. The low pixel count makes it hard to figure out what's going on, and I frequently died due to an enemy instantly spawning next to me where I couldn't really do anything.

Once you get past the spawning and once you understand what's happening, it's actually pretty fun and dashing through enemies is satisfying. And the PICO8 look is charming. Good work.

Nice work. It's a bit slow paced, but the game plays well and the presentation is good. The dice mechanic feels a bit forced, but it works. Good job!

(1 edit)

The visuals are nice and the idea is neat. However, it does feel like it's just luck. It's hard to strategize when you can only think 6 moves ahead at maximum and your enemy is 10 turns away. I wish there was some more predictability that would make assigning an item to a specific dice number an important decision instead of a completely random one.

The concept is neat though and it's still quite good given the time limits.

Good job!

Very unique sounding, almost has a Alice and Wonderland type vibe from the way you describe it. I like it, good job!

Thank you so much!

Good job. You made a lot of tracks, but there is a good bit of variety in styles and instrumentation which help keep things unique. The compositions are also quite good, and I'm a sucker for battle themes that use their overworld counterparts as a base. Nice work!

Wow, great job. The quality of sound is really great, and each piece has a lot of weight even when there is sparse instrumentation. Nice work!

Nice compositions, I would have liked to have seen these translated into a DAW to perhaps allow for some more expression, though I understand that being a bit more complicated given the time constraints. Also, good use of the image to create a story. 

Nice work. The overall sound is good and your game concept seems interesting. The Game Over and Stage Clear songs are a nice touch.