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That was really good! I enjoyed kicking the die around a lot. I did encounter some funky bugs, all around lvl 4 weirdly enough. On the first playthrough, after going from 3 and picking up the new lasers, for some reason I lost my dash and couldn't use it at all during the first playthrough. The second had the dash-with-a-barrier bug that you seem to already know. The last time it wasn't too bad (I did get dash-bugged again but it's fine) but it seemed to take veeeeeery long for enemies to load in. Like, 15-20 seconds ish. Just had me kinda flowing till they spawned in.

Also, since I lost my dash a bunch, I found out some weird thing where, I think because of how the bump in front of you adds a little momentum to the die, if you bump it on a wall enough times, you actually could use it to launch it and I actually seemed to deal damage with it occaisionally. Obviously it's not ideal (especially against the big boom shooty boys) but just something I found if you wanna mess with it or not. 

I'd say for future updates maybe different ship types/upgrades (things like max health, movement speed, dash changes, maybe even different types/amounts of dice) could be really cool and one-up what you have already. Very well done!

Thank you very much for the detailed feedback! Apologies for all the bugs you encountered. Looks like the barrier power was the true enemy! :P

I thought I coded the logic such that the dice would only enable damage to enemies when dashed into, so I'm surprised that you managed to deal damage without dashing.

I could be mistaken and it only happened once, I couldn't get it to happen again. It was also the same run as the barrier bug so maybe that had smth to do with it.