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(22 edits) (+1)

In my opinion the "BEST good/neutral ending":

Act1: Do NOT  meet Nauxus in the Swamp (very important). First go to the Bull Village  and kill the Lizard Spy. Suspicion: Nauxus 1 ; Axel 0

Act2: Help Thane. After you got the Fear Potion, take the Quest from Selye! (not Axel).  Sus: Nauxus 3 ;  Axel 1 (sidenote: Cause you killed the Spy and Axel likes you more, you can ask him about "What do the Bulls for fun?". :)

Act3: Help Nauxus with the Rogues Lizards. Edit: Ignore Axel and Thane Request.  Sus: Nauxus 3 ; Axel 4

Act4: Give the Fruits to the Bull Tribe. (You MUST give the Fruits to the Bull-tribe to prevent the execution of the three Lizard Prisoners).   Suspicion Final Score: Nauxus 3  ;  Axel 2

For the price of one Life (the Lizard Spy) you save everyone else and claim ALL the  benefits of the good ending:    1. Nauxus Romance (if you forgive him) + Emblem  2. Happy  Father-Son Reunion  3. Axel becoming foodtester for Thane's Hell Kitchen Quest. 

Enjoy the best outcome of the war. Probably canon as well.

EDIT (guide version):


Thanks, now I won't have to see Thane or Nauxus get killed 

it was very traumatizing to me 😞💀

(2 edits)

hi, still traumatised, did everything, nauxus dies :sob: how do i remove the meeting with nauxus at night

(3 edits)

Don't meet Nauxus.  

I repeat; you need the Skull Emblem from the first Boss + Soul Emblem from the underworld + the Bloody Cloth. After Axel gives you the last mission, visit the Shrine/Temple instead and enter the paintings in the secret room until you get a vision with Thane. Observe him while he find the cave.

Deleted 325 days ago

I did this but why nauxus hates me... 

perhaps because of the task from Axel, that is, you threw a REAL bomb at the village of Nauxus

Nope i threw the fake one

а вы убили шпиона перед тем как встретить Науксуса или уже после разговора с ним?

And thats means you already screwed it. Help Nauxus with the Rogue Liazrds. Dont talk to Thane. If you somehow get asked by Axel to deliver the bomb , just decline.

Ok thanks 

the good ending can be achieved regardless of your choices after either nauxus or axel call you at the end. go and then go find thane and visit the painting, if you bought that emblem at the auction.

people generally prefer nauxus liking them more (whole table of choices and "sus points" in my guide) so they can also date him later, while axel is locked in his ending regardless (but kinda helps in the cooking side-quest, also in the guide)

I don't understand but ill try 👍

(2 edits)

just don't actually help the chief with his plan, thane and the dragon in the painting at the bull temple will help.

my full game guide (up to 0.28) is also there to be read for a more thorough explanation.


Thank you 👍