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(1 edit) (+1)

I really liked the art. It reminded me a bit of Terraria. The controls within the world is a good idea but because they don't stand out from the world they're not that visible. (At least the E) The character's jumps felt a bit off but I really liked the animations. As you're using Godot I can give some tips regarding the "walking animation in air"-problem.

If you're using


You can do something like this

var direction = ... # Your way of getting Input
var speed = ... # Your way of setting the players speed
if direction.x < 0:
elif direction.x > 0:
if direction.x != 0:
    if is_on_ground():
        pass # Play walk animation
        pass # Play in air animation
move_and_slide(direction * delta * speed, Vector2.UP) # Vector2.UP is needed here

thank you for the comment.

We are using a Rigidbody2d for the player so sadly we don't actually have a move_and_slide option. The animations have mostly been fixed as we are working on them atm.Movement still wanks as using a rigidbody2d is fairly new to the both of us.

Thank you alot for your review and advice!

we had to design the character movement without the use of kinematicbody2D because it wouldn't interact with the die properly (infinite inertia). so we somehow made a character controller with the rigidbody2d node in character mode, which i don't recommend at all using in case you're considering it. move_and_slide() wasn't available 

also in your code i recommend storing the player's velocity
and then doing 
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2.UP)
otherwise the player will continue moving in a certain direction even though there's an obstacle in the way
(like continuing to move upward after hitting the ceiling)