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rock and roll and levitateView game page

Change the density of the Die by rolling it in this puzzle platformer!
Submitted by domjanabi, Ani_Tetra — 26 minutes, 24 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 64 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
the main mechanic involves using a die that can change its density based on its value

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Very nice game :)


Nice game! I really love the art and music... the presentation is just lovely. The level design as a bit too sparse I think (justifiable given the time limit), but given time I think it can be a really fun puzzle platformer. Good job! 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I really liked the art. It reminded me a bit of Terraria. The controls within the world is a good idea but because they don't stand out from the world they're not that visible. (At least the E) The character's jumps felt a bit off but I really liked the animations. As you're using Godot I can give some tips regarding the "walking animation in air"-problem.

If you're using


You can do something like this

var direction = ... # Your way of getting Input
var speed = ... # Your way of setting the players speed
if direction.x < 0:
elif direction.x > 0:
if direction.x != 0:
    if is_on_ground():
        pass # Play walk animation
        pass # Play in air animation
move_and_slide(direction * delta * speed, Vector2.UP) # Vector2.UP is needed here

thank you for the comment.

We are using a Rigidbody2d for the player so sadly we don't actually have a move_and_slide option. The animations have mostly been fixed as we are working on them atm.Movement still wanks as using a rigidbody2d is fairly new to the both of us.

Thank you alot for your review and advice!


we had to design the character movement without the use of kinematicbody2D because it wouldn't interact with the die properly (infinite inertia). so we somehow made a character controller with the rigidbody2d node in character mode, which i don't recommend at all using in case you're considering it. move_and_slide() wasn't available 

also in your code i recommend storing the player's velocity
and then doing 
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2.UP)
otherwise the player will continue moving in a certain direction even though there's an obstacle in the way
(like continuing to move upward after hitting the ceiling)


Controls are a bit wonky sometimes, I jump too high, also sprite should've probably turned right after I walked right, but overall it's a great game! Liked the art style and mechanics.


The visuals are incredibly solid, and I love how the controls are built into the level. I have to imagine that would be a nightmare to scale if the game received rebindable controls later, but given the scope of the jam it is a really cool detail.

I'm a bit worried that the player doesn't have enough control over the die, maybe if the angle or time the die was in the air was related to what face it landed on there could be some cool puzzles about trying to work out where is the correct spot to throw the die or something.

I also found it really hard to try and grab the die when it was floating away. Even if I teleported the die back to me I wasn't able to consistently pick it up before it floated out of range unless I teleported it while in a area with a low ceiling.

I absolutely loved the pixel art details in the tilemap. It adds a lot of detail without cluttering things up for making it look busy.


I really liked the die affecting gravity.  Could have used some control improvements.  For example, defaulting to facing right, and having the 'grab' button next to the 'move' button were both a bit annoying, I kept wishing the RMB would pick up the die.  But overall, I think that this is great for a 48 hour game :)


Nice touch having the instructions carved on the walls, and a lot of interactive components hidden away. It was always a surprise to see what was ahead.

I just felt the controls were a bit janky, it was confusing to have our character always face the same way when trying to pickup items behind us, small things like that.

Good submission!


Hey, fun game, love the simple pixel art, the mechanic is a great idea!

Tho I found some "bug" not sure I went thru the tutorial and 2 levels after, but then the play button didn't work at all...


yeah that's sadly due to the fact that we only had 2 levels ready for the jam!


Aha :D


Excellent pixel art, and music.  Really sets a nice tone.  Took me a minute to figure out the mechanics, but ones I did i was able to solve stage 2.  Its a very cool and interesting mechanic.  The area of setting the density of the block could be used for all sorts of cool puzzles.  I just wish there was more so I could see the full potentially of the density mechanic.  


I always love these games that are pixelart with light effects on them. I also like the expressiveness of this character that seems a bit gloomy, a bit tired, a bit something else I cant tell, but it does tell a lot.


Loved the graphics and how the game feels! I enjoyed the base of the game and how the puzzles feel and think that with some more challenging levels, this game has a lot of fun potential. 

(I spent too long in the tutorial trying to figure out how to solve the puzzle by glitching the dice through the wall and getting it to float to the top without realizing it was an R, hahaha. But the exploration of the mechanics there were pretty fun. Like trying to float on a cube you set and controlling the face from afar. Glitching into the walls also gave the idea of using holding on to the cube to change your own density? Looking forward to seeing how you use density in your future levels.)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This was such a well-made game! Presentation, sfx, music were all incredible. I think the tutorial definitely needs to be revised--had to look in the comments to figure out what to do.

Unfortunately, I was only able to play the second level, as I tried to load the next ones, but I kept getting errors in the command line. Possibly tied to this, the tutorial cut off at the rolling the die part. I was able to see the up to the 2nd one, and it kicked me back to the home screen.

I would also suggest adding a way to return to the main menu, since I was only able to get back to it through restarting the app. Nonetheless, it was a unique take on the theme and would love to see this fleshed out into a full game. Great work^^


thank you souch for your comment! 

We currently only have two levels which is why you were getting error messages. 

Also yeah we totally have to add a way to get back to the menu, we somehow forgot about that due to the time pressure! 

We are also currently working on an improved tutorial where we like light up the letters in the terrain to make it more visible. 

Again thank you for your comment and I hope you are having a good time during this gamejam! 


In my opinion I find that this game has a lot of potential, heck the idea itself deserves it's own commercial release, however there is still a lot to be improved on this game:

>The tutorial level needs a lot of refining, I was confused and I thought the game was broken at first until I pressed R on my keyboard by accident, maybe try using more color or obvious visual hints when making the tutorial, since the first the thing the player is gonna experience.

>The die needs to have a hint at it's "density" ability, say I get 1, then when I pick up the die it should be too light to control, 2 is more controllable, 3 is completely controllable, 4 is a bit heavy, 5 is really slow when moving the cursor.

>There are some glitches that I experienced when playing the game:

  • when respawning the die using Q sometimes it spawns inside of a wall
  • in the second level the die kept making sound effects after leaving one of the screens
  • the water (low gravity thing) needs to be scaled down a bit in the second level at the final screen

Anyways this was my overall experience with the game and I hope the game succeeds and it's dev team :)


Thank you so much for your review! 

Good news! We are currently working on refining the tutorial level with some visual hints. 

Also thank you for the idea with the density hints, I think that sounds great and we will totally see if maybe there is a way to implement it or at least something in that direction. The player still has to be able to pick up the die, but maybe when the die rolled a 6 we could have it be so heavy that you can only kick it or something of that kind. 

Regarding the Q button, we are currently trying to figure out a good way to use the physics of the die to move it to the playerybut this cost us alot of time to get barely working which is why this aspect is very janky. Definitely gonna work on this tho. 

Your comment about the die making noises outside the screen is a new problem we didn't (or a t least I didn't) know about so thank you we will have a look at what causes it and fix it hopefully. 

The water is currently under reworking since we just slapped it in but we weren't quite sure if it was working. Also what do you mean by scalling down? I would be interested if it caused some issues or if it just didn't look good or something of that kind. 

Thank you for playing the game! 


amazing game! this might be ONE of the only games i'm gonna keep on my computer from this jam!


Damn thanks alot! This is more than we honestly thought we would achieve. I am so glad you liked it! 


Very cool game! Love the art and sound design and the mechanic also feels fun! I liked this little series of puzzles!


Thank you so much! 


I spent a long time rolling the dice before realizing that the sides do different things. Other than that this was a fun little puzzler!


Hi! I played through the tutorial and level 2, it's been a bit hard for me to really understand and remember the controls, especially since I'm playing on a french keyboard layout...but that's not really your fault.

Apart from that, the sound is nice and the art even nicer, congratulations!


We are currently working on an improved post game jam version with more user friendly key input, since that was a frequent complaint! 

thank you so much for playing our game and thanks for leaving a comment 


Wow, incredible game! It took me a moment to realize there was a level two, and then it took me a long, long time to realize the dice could be rolled. I spent a lot of time throwing the dice up with a combination of moving my mouse and jumping to hit it against the button above, and trying to run through the door for the split moment it was open. After a while of trying that, I decided to go check the instructions on the game page... Whoops!

That aside, presentation is incredible, art is incredible, animations are incredible, sound design is incredible, and the concept is extremely creative, and I can imagine there's a lot of room for great puzzle and level designs with the mechanics presented. I can see some of the complaints below about the randomness of the dice, and while of course that's the whole conceit of the game, considering the game jam theme, I'm not really sure what the best alternative would be. Maybe there could be an element of skill involved, for example, the roll you get depends on when the dice hits an object, so you have to set up the trajectory of the roll, or distance from a wall, to get the number you want? (I'd imagine something like you can see the dice flipping through the options, and the options it's on when it hits something is what it switches to, like the minigames from some mario games.) I'm not sure if that would make it more or less frustrating, but it would definitely make it more skill based than chance.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

i would like to thank you a lot for this review. 
that's a great idea for the rolling mechanic
i think i will make it so that you can see a prieview of the trajectory + what value will be rolled at each point in the trajectory. 
this will allow to make the rolling more skill based without getting rid of its 'randomness'
i think i will actually try implementing this for the post jam version


What a nice game! I like your approach on the theme. Mechanics are easily understandable. Art looks great! 

Good job and thank you for experience!

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