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only a sexual deviate would get horny over a computer game ... 

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I see that you're being satirical but I still say it's odd that the girls are all over Orion right after getting into the game. It's too soon. Especially with Penelope. Nancy kinda has a guilty pleasure forbidden love fetish. But all that crap that Penelope confessed in the Warthag classes was almost character assassination. It'd be like me building up a character as a nice person only to make them go on one business trip and come back a heartless business woman willing to make profit by any means. 

I just fear that the sex scenes might because just fap fuel and not endearing and wholesome. I honestly don't wanna see every girl as just a porn star. I don't like thinking that about most characters in games. Not even in ero games or JRPGs. 

You know what I mean?

I'm going to be blunt here. If you're playing an ADULT visual novel and not expecting the girls to be in sexy situation(even random ones with no context),then you're playing the wrong kind of VN.I do wind up liking the characters and plot a lot more than the sexy bits,but at the end of day the goal is to wind up in sexy situations.

To me, it wasn't Penny being OOC,more so than her revealing a side of herself she obviously wouldn't share with just anybody. if you had an issue with how it was done,i would get that. but it just seems like you have issues with the whole thing entirely and her having a kink at all is a betrayal of her character. I also don't get how you would see it as OOC considering that up to that point,we didn't know much about Penny at all,much like all of the other girls. 

The story is still just starting and it's reasonable we wouldn't know everything about the girls and that's not even getting into how they could develop later on, both in ways that are sex-related and not.Most of these girls are still teenagers who are discovering their sexuality after all. Cari is a good writer who I trust can pull that off and have sexy scenes that make sense with the characters,even if the context might not be there.  

So some of the girls might turn out to have kinky sides, which is fine by me,since I find vanilla sex on its own to be boring. But,on the flipside, I doubt that all of the girls would be that way and some might  be vanilla. Having them be all one way or the others would make all of them samey, which for an AVN with multiple LIs isn't something you want.

PS. It seems to me like you like mostly vanilla stuff,so if you haven't heard of it already, Lust Age is probably the perfect AVN for you as  it's vanilla as it comes and the weirder kinks can be avoided.

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I expect sex in the game, sure. But there are times I question if a kink is fitting. It's not always explained why someone likes what they like. I could give a 100 reasons I think, act and like what I like. But in games that info is often times left out. The character just becomes a porn star. She likes something because that's her role. To play out that kink. I'm not talking about Penelope here, just speaking in general. I've seen and quit games where a character starts out one way, then the writer flips the script and makes them like things that don't get explain why. And it felt very much like it was added just to have the player have sex with them that way. 

Does Luna seem like a dominatrix? Would you believe Annie is secretly into being gang banged by strangers? Would it make sense for a strong-willed feminist to like be treated like property? What if Alex wants people to beat on her just like the father she hates? Writers can do whatever they want, but there's always gonna be a guy calling BS on it if it doesn't sync with the character. Personality matters. Backstory matters. A nice girl is not always gonna be secretly a wild girl in heat just because! There has to be a reason. Sure there are women who secretly are into off the wall stuff. But in AVNs it's basically a gimmick to ensure that that woman is there and often.

Maybe I was wrong about Penelope. But I thought of her as responsible and an straight shooter. She didn't seem like the type to be into what was implied in the last update (rough sex & bondage, yuck). If there was supposed to be hints to this, I missed it. Maybe they took that moment to throw it in your face as facts for shock value. Idk. But it could have been executed better. I firmly believe, not all the ladies needs to go down the harem road the same. Which, usually in games it ends up being the raunchier the better in the eyes of the audience... and the writers appeal to that. But I just am not believing every girl needs to ultimately be worshipping Orion's penis and want hard banging from it over any tenderness.  Consider Maat. She was as straight selfish sex object as it gets. And they played out a tricked into sex scenes with her tricking the heroes. And no matter what you do, you have to watch it all play out or ditch Nova. Thank God for the options at the end of it. But that was too little too late. By then you're again, supposed to take the more risque role and get revenge for Orion and Nova. And Nova, for whatever reason, has become into it. Why?! It blew my mind. But I lived with it.  

No tenderness? Just hard loveless banging. Rough sex. If that's goona be the norm... The notion itself is off-putting. In VIRTUES this happened too. Every character by the end of the game is a masochist and allows the MC to shame them openly all the time, as long as he says he loves them later. He's even allowed to expose their breasts while their at work or bang them in their locker rooms. All while claiming to love them and be a gentleman. But apparently the women want him to be nice most of the time, but a brute in bed. Whatever. I just hope Eternum isn't going down that road. I would have to quit it like I did VIRTUES. 

These girls aren't all teens either. A good deal of them are 20+. Nova, Penelope, Calypso and Nancy are all 20 or over. Only Ann, Luna, Alex and Dalia are 18. And that just not a clear indicator that they all would be still figuring out what they want in bed. Personally I knew what I wanted sex wise since I was 15. And I never changed my mind. There was never a moment I tried out rough sex and spanking a girl's ass, only to find out 8 yrs later I didn't like it. I know what I like and it's the exact same as it was over 15 yrs ago. Now they aren't me, but let's be real, some of them are not figuring themselves out. They are simply given roles. The MILF, the little sister figure, the tomboy, the beauty queen, the goofball eccentric, the haughty princess and the bad girl you have to stand up to. I like Caribdis writing too. But nothing is perfect. Maybe he just decided he wanted some bondage and tossed it into Penelope character's likes because he just wanted her to have that angle since all other kinks were filled in other angles. That doesn't mean it feels organic tho. 

I don't want them to be all the same. I want the option to say yes or no to a hardcore sex scenes that might disgust me or other gamers. If Nancy wants to watch some gore porn, I wanna be able to say "nah, I'm good", not have the scene play out automatically or risk losing her as a Love Interest. That's just an example. But you'd see what I mean. I want to say yes or no based on each girl without losing them or pissing them off. 

And yeah I'm mostly vanilla but I know the world doesn't like vanilla that much anymore. In public people say that's fine, but behind closed doors most people want crazier stuff. It's one of the reasons I'm alone right now. I turned down so many things from girls who liked me in middle and high school that I was written off as boring and left alone for a long time. I'm still a virgin now. Imagine that, rejected because you don't want to have a quicky 20 minutes before someone's parents comes home. I feel lust but my logic I feel more and louder. 

I'll look up Lust Age. But I doubt it's better than Eternum in terms of comedy and mystery. That's why I'm here. I like the cast but I ultimately can't shake the fact that I may have to see stuff I hate and cringe thru it. Even more so because Caribdis said you miss key plot if you don't romance all the ladies. The villains I won't miss as they're taken down. But big gaps in the plot will appear if the girls are not romanced. And that's what happened in OIAL. I tried to not peep on Judie, lost her as a LI. Tried to get teacher to patch things up with her husband, lost LI. And that won stung harder because that was a major plot points with the husband. 

I know someone people want kinks galore. More power to them. I like watching sexy stuff too. But I just want the scenes to fit the characters. And I want the option to say no if it doesn't fit the gamer, the audience. If I had my way I'd be satisfied with Nancy, Luna and maybe Annie or Nova. And stop there. But what if they all have kinks I hate? That's not impossible. And my worse nightmare. Just like in VIRTUES. And by the end of the game, with 3somes on the table and the need to go bigger by the end, I think my stomach is gonna turn by the time the last sex scenes plays. But at least if there's a chance to turn down a sex act and just cuddle and look at the stars, then you can end on a good note. At least for me. 

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Ok. I can understand wanting a kink to fit the character,but realistically?Kinks often don't make sense for a person's personality. Not going to sit here and say   it's completely unrelated,but  you know that saying 'it's the quieter ones that are often the most kinkiest?" Well, there's truth to that. A person who you think wouldn't like it might turn out to like shit you wouldn't expect them to. As someone into BDSM,I can tell you that the Dom can be the quiestest,straight laced person and the Sub could be the most  confident,independent,and pushy person. People can have different sides to them,that'swhat makes a person complex.And in the case of characters,as long it's foreshadowed or the context makes sense,it doesn't bother me. Like with Penny,this is still early in the story,we didn;t know much about her,and it's implied she has had not experience dating aside from that one boyfriend in high school.=,so she might've not have time to experiment with her boyfriend.

And you just want an explanation on why they have that kink,that's fair.But in an ADV that frankly isn't as important of a detail and i don't think it'll be important to Cari and the story he wants to tell.Would it be neat if he did that.Sure,but is he likely to do it? Probably not. Unless it's a new kink they discover in their relationship with Orion or maybe with the other girls(since it's implied there's going to threesomes when the relationships develop enough.)

And yeah I know some of the girls aren't teenagers(Nancy being the only exception), they're in they're 20's,but they're in their early 20's. That's still pretty early in life. You might've gotten shit figured out by that time,but that's NOT going to be true for everybody.  In my experience, college age was a time where lots of people still experimented with sexuality and were  still unsure of themselves. And your comment about 18 years reasonably figuring everything they like and don't sexually is even more weird to me. No. 18 is still teenager age,even if it's late teens and it's believable to me that they wouldn't have that figured out everything. Maybe they had a one-time stand where the focus was on rough or tender fucking and there wasn't time to experiment. Maybe they had a boyfriend before who wasn't into their kinks, wasn't willing to experiment,or broke up before they could discover that kink. Maybe they experimented a bit on their own,but not enough to know what they truly like or don't. Maybe they experimented a lot,but for different reasons, weren't brave enough to try out a kink before Orion came. The point is there are plenty of believable reasons a character or a person IRL might have a kink that goes against their personality or discover new ones.  Hell,even fully grown adults,depending on their situation and willingness to experiment can still find new kinks they might not have known they had.And I don't necessarily need the game to point that out when I can make inferences like this on my own.Although i do think that it's unlikely that Cari will add extreme stuff like gangbanging,considering  his last game didn;t have stuff  like that.

I can get being frustrated that there's not a game that caters to your sexual preferences and also not liking certain kinks or fetishes.  Hell, if Lust Age's urination stuff wasn't skippable,I wouldn't have played it. I like BDSM,but finding an ADV that that caters to that at least somewhat is like finding water in a desert. BDSM is one of the most misrepresented kinks in media and it sucks that all you have for it is Fifty Shades of Shit,which portrays BDSM like its abuse, which is NOT the point of it.

If you already mostly dislike the direction the game is going in kink and fetish wise,even at an early stage like Eternum is in now,you might want to stop playing.  Because I'm sure what happens early on isn't going to change.Is it worth staying if in your own words, you might have to suffer through fetishes or kinks that you dislike so much that it turns your stomach apparently? I don't think so. If it was just stuff you were neutral on or only slightly disliked that would be one thing,but it seems like even the slightest bit of kinky stuff turns you off.I was going to say maybe you should bring it up with Cari and have him put in a skip scene button,but he already said no. At least he gave you answer on that and wasn't vague.  I respect that Cari has a story he wants to tell and an audience he wants to appeal to that like at least a little bit of kinky stuff,it's just unlucky you're one of the very rare people that don't fall into that. I guess you like the game in spite of that,but....

I recommended Lust Age since you don't like any other stuff but vanilla.It may not have Cari's mystery or even comedy elements,but it's still a charming story in its own right that's pretty sweet throughout.It's worth giving a shot at least. I always think that people should finds stuff that appeals to them and this dev at least seems to want to make stuff for the pure vanilla crowd. So if you don't want to play LA,at least this is a dev that you could watch.Maybe one of the next games they do will be something you like.Who knows.The AVN crowd is growing more everyday and there are more people trying to make them. There might be a new dev who does vanilla stuff like LA too. it's the mindset I use when I'm looking for BDSM stuff.

While I understand better where you're coming from,I still don't agree with a lot of what you're saying.We have two drastically different views on things and that's fine.I just wanted to know why you felt the way you did about that. 

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Yeah an explanation would be nice. But IDK why, but people don't like explaining stuff like likes and dislikes in games like these. In Nothing is Forever they make a point to explain the reasons for kinks. But that game was made to deconstruct perversion prejudices and sitcom/romcom gags. That's why it has so much social commentary. Also, even though I'm not into it, there is gonna be bondage and femdom stuff in it. You might wanna try that. They take the time to be more compassionate after the sessions and less likely to show the woman as just a hateful bitch. That said, I'm still not into being treated like an object or tied up. I'm likely more of a sub in most people's eyes. But I still don't like being insulted or hurt for pleasure. It's not okay to me. It's a deal breaker. It reminds me of my years of being abused by bullies. One of which dry humped me on a bus just to do it while women watched. He was so popular he could even do that  and not be shamed about it after. He was a jock and considered a hot boy to women. So as far as they were concerned, that was just him being a confident prankster. Meanwhile, I was humilated and I vowed and cripple anyone who ever touched me again. I want humiliation, pain or tying up done to me. And I don't wanna do that to women either. Personally, I like playing these games for what I never get IRL. Sweetness, tenderness, romance. IRL people don't give a shit about me. I'm not sexy, rich, charismatic, or a jock. I'm generic in everyway that matters to a woman trying to date. So I play games like these like a person seeking a clean room in a neighborhood full of trash and dog shit. An escape from a cruel world that has gone out of it's way to scar me for life with insults and emotional abuse for being chubby and poor.

I'm not saying the girls shouldn't like Orion, but there's levels to that. I don't want them to be turned into just panting horny beasts at the mere sight of him naked. It makes me lose respect for them. I stick around for the comedy and the mystery. Same as I did for OIAL. But Carbdis assured me that there will be moments after the first sex scene with each girl, that you can skip future scenes without being locked out of all future romance options. I'm holding on to that hope. Maybe I should have never gotten into AVNs in the first place and just tried to get back out there and date. But it's a lot harder for me since there's so much I don't like. Bars, loud shallow parties, conventions with odd people doing stuff for attention, pep rallies, prom-like dances, and then there's the kink/fetish shit I hate. Bondage, insults, painplay, cheating, gore porn, fucking animals, pedophilia, rape, ownership, and orgies (imagine the STDs!). It's hard to find people willing to be that patient with me, especially when I'm not a looker to give them a reason to be patient in the first place. It's a hard life.

I'm not into Lust Age art style and you just said urinating is in it. That's a no-no too. I don't even consider that sex. It's just disgusting. I'm not a prude. But I guess I seem that way. I know women are not pure angels. But I don't like seeing them, IMO, "reduced". Demeaned. Or mind-broken into some sort of living sex doll, there to be used. I want the sex scene to be about love and mutual pleasure. Not a dirty act that is hot because they don't wanna get caught or because they're being wild and doing taboos. That stuff does nothing for me. It's actually COUNTER PRODUCTIVE to getting me off. Because I feel bad. It's another reason I don't like macho men in AVN insulting women as dirty talk. I would never say that stuff. She doesn't need to be my "cumslut". I love her or care about her. She's not a sex slave or a tool or a whore. You see what I mean? I want sex with them to be something both sides enjoy without reducing each other to property and a power struggle over who is on top. It really does turn my stomach. Eternum and OIAL don't give that vibe that much yet. But I know people will urge Caribdis to go bigger and by the end it will be "go big or go home". If he keeps his word and let's me skip scenes I hate or have alt-more-vanilla scenes, I'll always stick around and pay my money on Patreon. But if I hit the deeper part of the game and I can't respect any of the women anymore and I have to drop them all as love interests, then I really will quit the game. And maybe even any AVNs that don't allow non-rough sex or hardcore sex act options. I told you about VIRTUES. It gave no warning. You pay for the game and bam! The deeper you go, the more sexist and BDSM and crueler the sex acts. The creator ranted about the girls all being their own people and unique. But they weren't. The farther you go, the more they all do the same thing, beg the MC to treat them like shit in sex.

Okay,I want to clarify that Lust Age does have  urination,but it's entirely optional. it's not forced on you.And the Lust Age dev makes it clear what kinks are or aren't in the game and lets you know if it's optional or not on the game page. But not liking Lust Age's style,that's fair. Not all people are into the anime style.

So,not liking bondage and more kinky stuff is less about not being into it and more about the trauma associated with it .I'm sorry all of that stuff happened to you. But, even if you don't believe it, BDSM  is NOT meant to be like that. BDSM is all about respecting the subs boundaries,limits, and not breaking that trust. That's part of why its so irritating to me that BDSM is misrepresented and underrepresented like it is. In a way, I would say BDSM is greater act of love and trust than regular sex.because you have to trust the person to let you tie them up and maybe even more depending on how hardcore it is. But Fifty Shades of Shit does not get that and it's clear that the author didn't take the time to research actual BDSM.

But as for humiliation,I can't say I'm into that,but it's not a turn off either. But I'm sure the people who are into that and their partners who are willing to satisfy them,know not  not to go too far and it's acting for them,not an indication that they really see each other like that. And if they really saw each other like that,then that's abuse plain and simple.I get why you don't like scat,urine,guro,vore and other shit like that. Those are pretty common turn offs for most people. 

I think that you need to just trust Cari more. Cari is a person and he has his sexual preferences and judging by the only game he's completed,Cari doesn't seem like he'll push things that far and the kinky stuff in the game will be tame. but my standards and yours are very different so. Maybe try to frame the skip button to him in a different way.Instead of having a skip buttton for stuff you don't want,frame it like something for people playing the game more than once to use to quickly go through the sex scenes to the newer stuff they didn't see before if they're going for different ending. If that's not an option,just ask Cari what fetishes/kinks he's willing to put in his game and what he's not. It should be a decent measure for what to expect in this game and if it's too much you know to drop it.  Or just ask Cari to put a warning before sex scenes to let people know what it consists of and then skip ahead during sex scenes using fast forward . That's all the advice I can give you,it's hard to do this for someone who doesn't even like a little bit of kink because while most people don't like hardcore stuff,most people are okay with the former. And none of these options address that Cari wants the scenes to be tied into the characters development,it'd be easier if they were more sandbox,but this isn't a sandbox like HH. Honestly, I think you just stick to regular VN's because the AVN crowd doesn't have what you're looking for for the most part right now. Like I said,that can change.

I'll try Nothing is Forever if the BDSM aspect is going to be a real focus.So thanks for that! It was interesting talking with you though.

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I like anime art a ton. But the way Lust Age looks, looks a little dated. I like more of the art style of MurMur or even Eternum or non-ero games like Tales of Final Fantasy 9. I'm not against Lust Age as a game, but with all I have on my plate, and the time limit before tons of JRPGs come out at the end of the month and all the way to the start of November, I gotta pick sure-winners. I don't wanna spend days on a game, and I know I have 10 more AVN I still need to catch up on. I can likely try in November tho.

IDK if I'm official scarred. But it feels that way. Tons of bad events happened back to back from childhood till my mid-20s. I live in what was once a very bad neighborhood. The hood is always watching. Always trying to fuck someone over. But more than anything, I just don't like sex with violence mixed in. Or insults. Maybe if getting tied up and the girl sweet talked you after doing so and was super gentle and loving during, I could be into that. But the rougher and more selfish the acts, the more I hate them. Same for more filthy stuff. No urine, no scat. In terms of BDSM in media and 50 Shades, i think it is more about the author likes those thing as hardcore and painful as possible. An ultimate sub maso-fantasy. Not the more trusting way you speak of. But like I said, I would only be okay with it if no humiliation, or pain was involved. I want love-making to FEEL like love is there.

To be fair, in OIAL I never thought to myself, I hate this scene entirely. It would always be something in it. angle the dialogue took. Or a gimmick in the sex act that made it less fun. Less happy and loving. And more like someone was being used and discarded. Take Eternum's Maat for example. Visually she's the woman of my dreams. No question. And a sexually aggressive woman who makes it plain that she wants you? I wish I met someone like that IRL. Because even the most extroverted girls around my town play coy and backpedal once it's time to get romantic. But Maat is not all sultry dialogue and welcoming sex. She's a femme fatale that is luring you into a literal trap. So there's red flags all over the place. One, she tricked Nova and used her for fap fuel. Two, having sex with her mostly gives her what she wants. Three, liking her reflect badly one my own interests and morals if I admit I like a manipulative and selfish sexual predator. Not somewhere I want to go in my psyche. So I tried to leave and not have sex with her, but she just goes unpunished. Then when you do have sex with her, it's hate-fucking. Something I hate. And more odd, Nova got off on it. It sometimes feels like Nova wants to fuck everyone. But anyway, you use her body to get off, as "punishment". Then put her to sleep. Not much of a heroic act at all. So there was guilt the whole time. Who am I? What have I become? How am I any different from her? What am I doing liking this? If IRL this happened, would I be able to walk away? Am I controlled by my lust? How am I any different that panting lustful animal? You see what I'm talking about? Sex is likely great. But as a virgin who's only had a terrible blowjob once, I want real sex to be romantic, wholesome, tender, caring. I don't want power struggles and tricks. I don't wanna feel like I'm snake tricking people or a bull being a brute. I want to feel loved. And a lot of times, the more hardcore stuff doesn't feel like love. It feels like a bunch of animals got together and had an orgy or just humans being okay with depravity. I want two lover exploring each other's bodies and making each other feel good. Is that so wrong? Is that so boring?

As far as I'm aware, he said you will have options. To do a more hardcore act, a more vanilla act, or to turn down a girl without ruining the romance in the future. That's good enough for me if that plays out and doesn't get scrapped for time. And I do like kinks. I like older women calling me "good boy" or "sweetie" or other loving pet names. I like being patted by women I like. I like the idea of cuddling aftercare. I like the idea of kissing while cumming. I like women whispering in my ear. I like massages. And if it's done lovingly, I'm okay with women being on top in sex and talking dirty. I like fetishes and kinks. I just draw the line when it stops feeling like compassion is there. If there's no compassion and love, what else is it but mindless porn or a dirty guilty pleasure? I'm not into THAT. So far Eternum as delivered with good scenes to make you care about the cast. But that makes it even harder to accept them in some really dark or rough scenes. Especially if they themselves want things done to them that makes them seem like they don't love or respect themselves. Regular VNs might have romance, but I doubt they will be good comedy and mystery or even a single sex scene. I want to see sex, but I want to say "when" when I've had enough and the scene is going too far.

In Nothing is Forever, the BDSM scenes are mostly tied to Deb the exercise trainer. If you stick with her, the implication is that with more trust she will always escalate to more bondage and femdom stuff. But pain and humiliation is more Kim's bracket. She is the resident mean girl, who will cheat on people and be an asshole for the fun of it. She looks like Ada Wong from Resident Evil 2, 4, and 6. 

(3 edits)

Personally, I don't think you get  Fifty Shades of Shit. It's romanticized abuse. Sure,there's people who practice more hardcore BDSM,but it ALWAYS with the permission of the sub. They have their consent to do the more hardcore things because the trust is there between them. Even if it doesn't look like to you,that doesn't mean that love or trust is not there, nor does it mean the woman doesn't respect herself. The love in this case is the Dom and Sub trust each other enough to let that happen,without going too far. Even if pain is involved, the Dom has to work within the limits the Sub sets up.Safe words are there  as part of that. But Fifty Shades of Shit doesn't do that. Christian never respects the boundaries and limits that Ana sets and Ana is never firm with the limits and lets Christian walk all over her. There's no trust there. That's not how BDSM works. 

Anyway,this is my last reply.

Well i'm not trying to defend 50 Shades. I don't like it either. I'm just saying that hardcore view of BDSM is so popular because it caught on as the way a lot of people want to see BDSM. I'm not into it, so I don't defend. All I can say is Nothing is Forever, does a better job making the Dominatrix seem like a better person and just so happens to have issues that make her into that kink. That's your best bet for a better take on it. But as for me, I will never be into it.