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Thanks a lot for playing our game ! We didn't make it in the video, but we got incredibly positive feedback, and scored 13th overall, it gives us a lot of energy to keep working on this game in the future ! We just released a post jam patch for the game, polishing and fixing things we did not have time to do during the jam. We would love feedback on that as we intend to turn it into a full product ! Stay tuned if you're interested :)

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I did not have time to play and rate a lot during this jam, I'll try to play as many games from people who commented here as I can, and give feedback during the few next weeks. Thanks again and see you next year for GMTK 2023 !

But you DID make it into the vid, at least somewhat. AFAIK when Mark talked about games were you throw dice as weapons, there are scenes from your games displayed very prominently. I think you deserved more, but i would gladly take it. 13th overall is def something you guys can be proud of.

Played the new version a little bit. Haven't noticed any big changes though other than some graphical advances and a better difficulty progression (which i like a lot). One tiny thing i would change is, that the player automatically picks up a dice when they touch it, instead of having to press the mouse button. Would def improve the flow of the game.

Would you be interested in a streaming session where i play post jam updated GMTK games? I think that could be a neat idea, but i have no fixed date yet or so, just the idea.

Yeah that's true, we actually are in the video :)

I think I'll experiment with the auto grab, but I'm scared it will make people grab dice when they don't want to, because there is some strategy involving laying dice on the ground with a specific face. Fire, electricity and x2 faces can do really cool combo if you let them on the ground, and we intend to add more stuff using this mechanic. It was not obvious in the jam version because a bug caused visible dice faces to deactivate after a while. But we'll try that auto grab mechanic, maybe testing will show it works better than expected !

The post jam version actually has a lot of quality of life improvement, now dice trigger their effect way more quickly, and dice damage is less random, it tended to hit twice enemies. Plus there's a lot more feedback on damage now, with splatters when enemies die :)

A stream would be so great ! Unfortunately the team is not really available currently, most of us are in holidays till the end of the month. But we'd be glad to watch a stream when we are back !

Oh and I don't understand how I missed your game, it's amazing ! The concept is quite close to a game we made a few years ago, called Space Drummer, but you made it way more replayable with the roguelite mechanics, I think you should push it further.

Haha, don't feel sorry you didn't play my game, there where 6000 other games, so it was easy to miss. And i already knew you guys did a similar game. After i streamed me playing your game Clement instantly contacted me on Discord to tell me about it. You did a really good job, i might borrow some ideas i saw (like the enemies bouncing to the beat) if you are ok with that. Loved the song, really catchy.

I really love the concept (shooting to the beat) overall, and from what i gathered people get sucked into it when playing it quite easily. I already made a tons of improvements to the Jam version (i removed the dice mechanics though, since i don't think i need those, i just implemented it for the jam to get it somewhat in theme). Wanna try out the new version? would love to hear some feedback. Maybe we can continue this discussion on Discord to get it away from the public ;) just chat me up: g0ldent0y#9304