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Hey great minds think alike! My game also revolves around choosing a pill to eat once! Lol.

Loved your spin on it, took me a second to find that pill that made me the tallest! I ended up getting 5 pills, were there more? Curious if something happens when you win or if I was missing some. My suggestion is some sort of "restart" button to quickly do the level again if you mess up order of eating pills.

If you have a chance this week to try my game out, I would love any and all feedback to improve gameplay. 


You should be able to get out the window when you've solved the puzzle. Hint - there's moving and climbing furniture involved!

Unfortunately nothing happens when you win, you just fall out the window haha! I submitted the last minute really and didn't spare time for something interesting to happen

You can restart by holding the right thumbstick for a short duration

Cheers and will check your game out when I get the chance

Ohh that makes more sense! I'll try getting out the window. Also, good to know about the right thumbstick, I should have spammed my buttons.