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(1 edit)

I loved the first game, can't wait for the sequel! Lynette, huh? Fair. She probably had the least screen-time which was weird, considering she's on the cover art. Lol 

Really loving Weird and Unfortunate things Are Happening by the way! Dottie's probably my favorite character in that game, and I loved the sections where you take control of Lamar and Dottie respectfully. The soundtracks amazing! The Playroom's soundtrack(the main one and Safe Town) was strange for me. It disturbed me, but I loved it? Lol

Granted, I DID get lost in the City for a solid hour, so there's that.  😅


haha, glad you're enjoying W&U! I did get a bit carried away with the City area XD Way too big

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Kind of a weird place to post this, as I frequently use, but I just finished my playthrough of Starship TsukuruNova 20003. LR-388 x RX-779 OTP! A love story for the ages. Beep-Boop indeed. A cute, funny and interesting game, WITH a dash of yuri at the end? Can never go wrong! Yay yuri! I've started my playthrough of Chase For Divinity, wish me luck! Also, I'm  bracing myself for a replay of Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening(namely the City*shudder*), as I realized way too late I could've went after Nanc-- err, Amethyst and lost the opportunity to get her headband, which did not at all belong to Nancy, the mayor's daughter, Dottie's bully, and whom was seen in a previous scene being taken to same place. Pure coincidence I say! And Sadie isn't suspicious at all! All is right in the world. Yep. Anyway I have OCD and it drove me insane that I missed that, so back in time I go. Hopefully I'm better at navigating the city by now.  😥

In the meanwhile I'll be quietly shipping Alicia x Miriam, Lamar x Kelli & Viola x Erick. 

If one is interested in romance/companionship, find yourself someone who looks at you the way Erick looks at random junk-- and Viola whose Panacea is second to none, thank you very much! Also Farudon is adorable. Lol


Sorry for the late reply!

I had almost forgotten about Starship TsukuruNova 20003! And yeah I couldn't help myself but to try to hook up the androids at the end XD 

So glad you're enjoying all of my games~! Chase for Divinity may be a bit rough because it's my earliest game (started back in my teens) so even with some of my revisions it's a bit rough but hopefully you get some enjoyment out of it XD;;;

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Eh, don't worry about it. 😉

I'm liking Chase For Divinity so far! 👍

I'm also replaying Luxaren Allure, which I honestly adored! The characters, with the exception of a certain king and Lynette(whom was a little too black and white/self righteous for my taste, but I liked her more than said king, so there's that :D), the sprites, the enemies, the assets and the custom tileset, I loved. Without a doubt one of the most unique and lovely rpgs I've played! ❤

And about quietly shipping Alicia x Miriam? Yeaaaah... about that?


Cuties! ❤❤❤

 I have no regrets! Muhahahahaha!

Edit: I've made decent progress in Chase For Divinity! I'm really liking it so far! 

And I still regret nothing!