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I really liked this game! I actually found it really scary - probably in part by the wacky effects. They're very disorienting and it's nerve-wracking when the Imsomed look larger in your perifery than when you look at them straight-on (those are both positive things haha). I love how big the Isomed are compared to the player, it just makes them terrifying when they get close to you. My only critique is that it's hard to know when you're going to run out of gasoline, and the Isomed move really fast in the dark, so when you run out of gasoline, even if you have more in your hand you're pretty much screwed. I think the best way to fix this would be to add some indicator that the gas is running low, such as the light getting dimmer.


Thank you for your feedback! It was fun to play with crazy, unusual effects this jam!
The Imsomed do actually get larger the longer you stay alive! More and more effects start to build up over time as you go insane. 
The idea was for you to take the risk and walk in darkness so you can extend your light even though you know how disadvantaged you are in the darkness.
Ideally, you would want to start  all of the generators up before the first one runs out!
Thank you for playing!