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Yo, some ideas:

1. Chess game (I'm not up to this, but somebody else can do this one), and maybe with AI for the next level of this hahaha

2. Scrolling platformer, any kind of platformer, but scrolls, would make use of XO-CHIP features for smoother scrolls however

3. Nobody tried Tetris with standard rules here yet (and I'm not up to this)

4. Some sort of complex program that makes use of high level of abstractions, for this case, I'm go with raytracing.

5. Music program (I'll elaborate this later)


Many years ago I contributed some pixel art to an SCHIP chess game that was never completed. These tiles are free for the taking if they spark anyone's imagination:

I think a 1- or 2-ply search algorithm for the AI would be doable, and provide a reasonably satisfying opponent. There's also 1K ZX Chess and Nanochess as reference material.


Cool! I was thinking about writing a chess game for this Octojam, but when I looked into the AI part I quickly realised that that's a bit too much for me to do in a couple of days or so. So no chess game for me this year.

I did however design these four colour hires chess pieces. Board is 64x64 pixels, squares are 8x8. So yeah, same here, if anyone feels like using these, go ahead  :) An acknowledgement of my work would be appreciated, but otherwise feel free to do as you please.