Oh, I didn't know there was variation in dice upgrading... I thought it only added 2 to the number of sides. Now I understand an issue with items, thank you for explanation.
I'll certainly return after the patch to try new features!
Just updated, here is patch notes..
Hi! Already tried new version and found a bug where you can loot the body you found on chance event an infinite number of times)) Didn't realize until looked on my dice number increasing with each press of the button. I played with sorcerer and bug occured at desert-12 on base seed. Don't know if it occur somewhere else, tried looting for the first time :)
Found also that image of your sword sticks out on the right side of the screen, where a button to open your inventory is placed. Caused me to accidentally unequip weapon a few times. And when you hover the cursor over an item icon at the top, a window appears, and it's a bit small. Also maybe it just me, but idle card sound seems a bit too loud and intence... Thought I can help by point out these small issues to make your game even better)
the inventory bug is due to resizing of window screen, will need to Investigate on a fix for that. But the healing after combat i think i already have a fix for it, won't be home until tomorrow night so can't fix that until then. Found a few other bugs aswell from others too that i gonna fix tomorrow.
Will check the volume sound on idle card to see if I can make it smoother. Thanks allot for taking your time to report these findings.
Hi! Fire golem is kinda too powerful, is it supposed to gain so much attack and endurance? Because once it gains attack and endurance, it instantly starts to go right to the next Strategy cart, gains more attack and endurance and stops right before the next Strategy cart, so on the next turn everything repeats. And if you play defensive (and you can't not with Thaveler and his rusty sword), it gains so much attack with each round. By 8th round it gained 6 attacks and 6 endurance. Given it had 3 Fortified, so I couldn't get it in the first 3 rounds, seems kinda tough for a Desert-1 battle.
Also after 8th round a bug occured: after I pressed "end turn" button, mob hit me several times, then stopped, but dice didn't reroll or activate and number of a turn didn't increase. And after that again. And it started hitting less times than it had attacks. Fire damage still worked though. I guess, something broke... Almost killed it :( (19/105)
Couldn't attach screenshots due to a "missing token" error XD