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Oh my, after I eventually got death screen, sounds of battle continued :) Something broke for sure


Thanks for the report, found the issues and have fixed them for the next content update.
I will also add more variety of items that can counter the attack + endurance combo some of the enemies has and i hope that will make him a bit more easy. The plan for the Desert was to make the enemy counter some game styles in a way that made the players use a more strategic way of planning. I am also planning on replacing the icons on the map with the icon of the enemy you are gonna face, that way you can plan the route according to your build or switch up your equipment for better counter towards that enemy.

Thanks for the feedback =D

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Yep, the same issue with freezing dice with the Dark Dragon. Also it seems Explode doesn't do any damage to the dragon, only to the player. And 20 Fortified is overkill, with 4 hits per round, which is a lot (2 weapons, 1 blessing), it takes 5 rounds to deplete, which brings the dragon 4 attacks and 9 endurance by that time. My best build by now, still couldn't even lower its health below 600. Maybe I would be able to, if Explode worked, but still won't be enough to defeat the boss.

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Hi! Sorry if I've bored you with this feedback, I noticed that Horder blessing seems not working. I was playing with a knight, he had 4 slots (weapon, shield, armor, trinket), so I chose this blessing and nothing happened. Tried this blessing before with a sorcerer, if I remember it right, also didn't work, but I thought that it's due to 5 slots she already had and was my mistake)

Also a minor bug: when using a thorn potion, a green number appears on your charachter card, and it's always 0. I guess, it has to be a number of Thorn gained.


Haha, no you aint boring me, i like it. you have helped me find so many bugs that i missed. It's not easy being a solo developer and cover all areas, so please keep it up.

I might need to rephrase the Horder blessing, its giving you an additional option of picking a new item as a reward, ex when you open a chest.

Will investigate the number feedback on all potion to see if that error is on others as well and try to fix it.

Thanks for your feedback =)


When you upgrade Cursed Blood, one of the options is exactly the same as base item. I guess, it has to be an ability to use it twice or smth like that. And I was given an option with the Cursed Blood in Choose an Item menu, despite I already had this trinket, only upgraded.

Also after the recent update user icon started to jump sideways on the main screen when small screen appeared. For example, I go to a town, and after I close town menu, user icon shifts up to several centimetres to the side.

Hm, I keep dying to a sandworm. There are few things:

- its Thorn number doesn't deplete after Damage (maybe because of Endurance?)

- Bag Odor blessing (which is one of my favorites) worsens the deal, because the rule is that when user does any damage (even as little, as 5), they take damage equal to the whole Thorn number of the mob. Therefore, every round I cannot help but do 5 damage and take 25, and with Thorn number staying the same, it's impossible to survive. 

- Even for common attacks 25 Thorn deplete your health really fast. I don't know if there is anything to fight things with thorns without taking couter-damage. I didn't try to fight without this blessing, 'cause I always take it when I can, but I guess at least Sorcerer, Traveler and Archer wouldn't have a chance against the worm.

Health potion seems kinda useless for anyone except Sorcerer and Archer. And even for them it's not enough for sufficient heal. Usual 3 to 5 health is nothing when a rat's least powerful attack can be 1-6. So maybe changing it to a percent of health would help. 10 or 15% would do, even if for Sorcerer it's only 6 and 9 respectively. With base on a dice number maybe smth like "Summ/10: Heal N*3% of health". Could be overpowering for a sorcerer with her dice amount, but again, no armor slot in this character, so maybe it's fair. And I doubt even this character could achieve ten dice for this number, 7-8 at most. Could also buff Samurai and Knight with their max health, but they rarely have lots of dice, the stategy with them is to upgrade dice, therefore they wouldn't have even 7 dice for this either. Or maybe you'll find another solution)

Just notice that i have forgotten to explain the Thorn and Block synergy on tooltip, it's actually one of the first synergies i added. Block prevents Thorn to be removed, but Burn bypass that when Burn is applied to to counter Thorn you can apply Burn, i am planning to add more Burn items. Thorn was one of the hardest thing to balance when i made the Desert Update.

Gonna add upgrade to health potions and the other potions but i don't want a player to just turtle with it and end every combat with full health. When it comes to SUM/10 abilities, a good combo is to apply weakness to yourself so you can apply more dices, it's a risk vs reward type of approche.

You can get armor slot on Sorcerer with help of the blessing Two-Torso, main goal with different character's is to give different start positions for different types of builds, but i try to tweak them if they are too unbalance.

How do you apply weakness to yourself? I thought it only applies to an enemy...

What burn items are currently in game? Couldn't notice any, just one blessing where you give Burn to an enemy after taking damage.

Don't know if it's a bug or a mechanic. Items that reload don't keep additional uses gained with a Gold Pot to the next turn. For example: I added two uses to a Thorn Armor, and at the beginning of the next turn it changed from 3 back to 1.

Found an overpowered build :D

Inner balance blessing + dagger is crucial to it, I guess. Well, with any thorn item this ant isn't dangerous, but as you can see, it didn't bite me even once, and I already depleted its armor. Maybe I'm going to beat the second boss at last :)

Dagger and Thorn Armor are really powerful, maybe bind them to events or elite fights? Like a chance to get it as a loot after elite fight or an option after the first bossfight. I know I would regret reporting this, because I still deal with sandworms by just avoiding their tiles :')


Yaaaay :) Didn't even take any damage.


Haha, congratulation!

That's seems like an really good build, i don't think i will balance it at the moment, but might do further ahead. Just picking the Samurai to being with is a gamble.

Will add some Burn items this patch too, realized that i actually didn't have any.. XD

Wasn't lucky enough to not meet a sandworm on a chance event, and I noticed that its Thorn doesn't deplete when Burn is added. I got Blisters blessing, so after it bit, it got 3 Burn, but its Thorn remained 25.

Also I noticed that Fire Dragon doesn't add any burn, if you already have burn. I had 20 burn, and after the next fire attack this number didn't increase. Or it shouldn't?