alright, i checked many iterations of the new locations, but i'm still missing something. i think it has to do with the ex-husband but no clues on what to do about him if that's it even. for anyone intersted though, getting the shed in the same run before you find the new feathers will add some more hints in those scenes, but it's mostly add ons to point out at the shed's secret again. beyond that, while i managed to fix that tree i'm not sure if it connects to anything, maybe i forgot some of the lore about the tapirs, then there's also the slug that shows up sometimes. maybe i should check out ThE aNTHill again, surely it has to have a new clue there.
I think I ended up at the same spot as you. Since the tapir god's salt is what lets Storm purify the tree, my last idea was that it would also let him exorcise/cleanse the ex-husband, but no dice. I also have no idea what's up with the slug. What even is the trigger for that? I only got it once, and it seemed like it came from re-visiting the colonel's estate before going to the tree but I'm not certain. And what would the significance of the slug be? afaik, you can only visit the tree on the last day so there's nothing to do with the slug after you get it because there is no "after." Hm.
i've seen 4 different iterations of the slug scene:
- revisiting the colonel state will have P kill it
- revisiting the state and returning the pelt will have P relocate it and get bitten
-doing neither, it will give up before doing anything
-just returning the pelt, and learning of the sleepwalker brand P is protected from it
i might be off about some of the conditions but those were what i took notice