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(1 edit)

The Cruxia mini game?

I tested out the the buttons you mentioned and they work just fine. In order for the options selected to function, you have to press the enter key or click  on the option you’re wanting to choose.

In this mini game, you can only fight Cruxia or look at her stats by pressing “Act”. The “Spare” option does nothing as it is scripted to fight Cruxia.

To summarize, it’s not a glitch. You just have to hit a different key aside from the “wasd” buttons or the arrow keys or click on the option you’re wanting to choose.

slr but thats what im doing, sorry if i explained it poorly- i can wasd to the different options but enter does nothing for me and neither does clicking them

Hm... Well, I'm not sure what the exact solution to that problem is.

I'd probably have a word with someone on the development team or working on the technical support of the game about that.

The only other working theory I can think of is that the issue may depend on which device you're playing the game on. If it's on a computer, sometimes the keys on the keypad can somewhat be context sensitive.