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Hello! You nor anyone is forced to support me. I have never faked the release date for people to pledge and then said "Oh, my bad, I will change the release date again!".

If people are paying my content is because they liked it, plus, I have lots of new Patrons per day, and I lose a lot more. Per day.

I could understand if I had faked a release date, but I always say that the moment that the update will be available, I will post 30 days before announcing it.

And I think you are confused, I haven't made any poll. I just upload sneak peeks, including, entire events with dialogue and etc.


Thanks for the reply. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your gane and look forward to the update. 

That said, taking over 2 years to push an update when thousands are supporting your monitarily is a bit of a wind up.

Your patreon shows you are taking over $5,000 per month from people. The "goal" you set specifically says you'll be "full time developing" but its literally over 2 years for a +0.0.1. 

I just think your patrons deserve a bit better that weekly updates explaining why there isnt an update. 

At $5k+ per month surely you can hire help? Do something more to give back to the people who've invested in you. 


Also, it's very very easy to say "well no one is forced to give me money" - the point is, they do.

They believe in your game, they believe in your ability to produce the game to a good standard. They enjoy the story arc and the other bits. They support you. 

As a developer, saying "no one is forced to support me" is taboo. If they all suddenly stopped today, what would happen?


You need to use more than one braincell my fellow person. ( = w = )

Think, if you were a patreon and they have not updated the game, would you continue to be a patreon or would you stop being one and just wait for new stuff and then go back?

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

Saying that the next update is a +0.0.1 is just stupid. I call it that way so that v0.2.0 can be Chapter 2, not Chapter 1.
Despite just being a +0.0.1, the update could EASILY be Hero's Harem Guild 2.

It MORE than duplicates the actual content, and it has WAY more quality than before, with lots of new stuff, I'm sorry but you can't grab me with the "+0.0.1".

Also, it's not taboo, you are not forced to support me if you don't like my workflow or you don't believe me. I am what I say on the Patreon posts, I'm not lying to anyone. I'm not promising you something but an eventual update, not even WHEN it happens. That's up to you to decide if you want to support me.

I only say; The update will come out and will be amazing in quality. I'm pretty proud of my work, and I'm confident as hell about what I'm doing. I want Hero's Harem Guild to be one of the best H games out there, and I'm pretty sure it'll be close to it.

Now, again, up to you to decide if you want to support/believe me or not. And it's not the only thing I say; if you want to know what I say to my Patrons, check the latest patreon post.

If they all suddenly stopped today, I would probably have to move from my actual house to my old house, sell my car and continue working on the development there. And if something happens to my computer or whatever, I have enough savings to be able to fix it, in case you want to put me in a more critical situation. I have family that will probably help me financially to continue working.

There is no stopping the update, not even if everyone leaves Patreon.  I made v0.1.2 in an old house with a shitty computer and a 2x2 room. This is my game, and it will be finished.



-I've gotta say something. There's no need for reply but I hope you read it. Basically just be careful not to get too emotional in your responses to your player base. No matter how right you are, people deeply resent those that try to demand sympathy while having a position of control. You could end up like Yandere Dev or the No Man Sky team if you're not careful.

-In essence the reality of the difficulty of game development goes over the heads of the consumer base. Thus untruthful rumors arise to suggest the dev's are taking advantage of them and the support they give. Its a tale as old as time, and I don't want that for such an aspiring and capable Dev like yourself.

-Basically you've been doing great with non-professional PR by just putting your nose to the grind-stone and showing proof that you're working onto your discord. There's no need to bend to the whim of those speculating your trustworthiness with reassurances at every opportunity, simply redirecting them to your discord should suffice.

-The long and short is the more you interact with the community's concerns the more likely they're turn on you through no fault but their own misunderstanding-based conspiracy and speculation. Alternatively just showing you've made progress with minimal communication goes a long way to build rapport- speaking through your actions rather than words.

-TL;DR Just keep up the good work and if anyone questions you, tell them to check your discord just like you have. Don't falter at this leg of the race and show weakness or frustration. Your image is Komisari, the guy who takes 2 years to update his game because he knows its gonna be worth the wait, and gives him time to learn and implement a better foundation and methods. You can't let them taint that image by suggesting your might regret it and thus might be incompetent or flaky. No matter how untrue it is, it's what they'll believe if you show any vague signs it could be true. SO just keep working man, prove them wrong through actions and results. 

(btw hiring people or getting volunteers isn't as good as it sounds unless you structure it perfectly and everyone is competent in their role. Even a dream team can become a nightmare if Egos, communication problems, unreliability, scheduling, and etc arise. So don't let people pressure you to build a team if you make enough money to hire help unless you're prepared to iron out pipelines and management issues and can invest in the overhead of accounting for the expense and literal overhead)

GL and Godspeed. I know you can make it!


Hello! It will be quick, I think the same about hiring people. It requires me to structure lots of stuff, and I do not feel capable of, I have no experience with it. I think I could do a good job, but that can be hell if not managed properly.

Thank you!

this brings tears of joy to me <3 i hope you never give up on HHG no matter what


wow, new car, new house, no new update. keep up good work ! u deserve as much as doge coin investor !


Hello, there was a new update soon ago.