Genius concept. I've only played solo, but found it to be a lot of fun. Really simple and easy to get into while still being really intense at times.
- Upgrade variety was good although some of the temporary buffs felt a little short to be worth the opportunity cost of picking them up. I did like the risk/reward of picking things up at the top of the screen and I wonder if there could be some mechanic where better items tend to spawn higher up or if pickups moved around slowly
- It might be nice to see an indicator at the bottom of the screen that showed you your target's x location, just to make it easier to aim for them. (possibly one for the player above you as well?)
- Please let me make my name a little longer
- I think there should be a notification whenever a player gets eliminated, even if they are not your direct target
- Pickups should flash a bit before despawning
- After winning, the game froze on this page and I could hear the first millisecond of a chicken noise repeating over and over again. This seemed to stress my computer out and none of the ui options did anything. Haven't been able to recreate