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The dancing Hardhat Goblins are adorable.

Cutscenes being purely text and manual cycle through is not. The Cutscene options are unnecessary at best I think. Why would I need to scale the Textsize and adjust its position on an otherwise empty screen?

I don't know what to say about the 'Cutscenes' themselves. Its just text at the bottom of an empty Screen. It's alright I guess? Maybe? I'm no writer by any means, and its not like theres much there otherwise.  Maybe they're a bit long as of now. But maybe they just feel like it because theres nothing there.

Main HUD screens are cluttered as always, but I like the option to add Stuff to the Location Quickbar, so I can better customize what I need. Would still like it to be more of an interactable 3D Scene per Room instead of just swapping to a different cluttered UI. 

Finally, the Mouse locks to the Center of the Screen when starting a Dungeonrun, and I can't click on start to actually start it. Sorry.

Thank you Tomo. 

I will add images to cutscenes in future, so maybe those options are going to make more sense then.

Finally, the Mouse locks to the Center of the Screen when starting a Dungeonrun, and I can't click on start to actually start it. Sorry.

That's never happened before, right? I also did not see it happening on streams. Were you alt-tabbing when the dungeon was being generated, or something? Were you playing windowed?

Would still like it to be more of an interactable 3D Scene per Room

I plan to have locations being "explorable" by switching to different came view angles, and seeing different npcs doing their things. So at e.g. Reception, there would be a receptionist, and some guests in a waiting area. I don't want to have reception ui be accessible by e.g. pressing on the receptionist, because she may not always be on the screen. That's why the visuals for the rooms, and UI are going to be separated.

Yeah, I was alt tabbing during it to write the Comment. Might be related to that.  Happened never before on my End aswell. 

Aha, I added logic to open pause window when someone alt-tabs during gameplay. Maybe it does some unexpected things when the dungeon is still generating.

One of the advantages of DD is having people doing things you wouldn't normally test for, so thank you for that.