The dancing Hardhat Goblins are adorable.
Cutscenes being purely text and manual cycle through is not. The Cutscene options are unnecessary at best I think. Why would I need to scale the Textsize and adjust its position on an otherwise empty screen?
I don't know what to say about the 'Cutscenes' themselves. Its just text at the bottom of an empty Screen. It's alright I guess? Maybe? I'm no writer by any means, and its not like theres much there otherwise. Maybe they're a bit long as of now. But maybe they just feel like it because theres nothing there.
Main HUD screens are cluttered as always, but I like the option to add Stuff to the Location Quickbar, so I can better customize what I need. Would still like it to be more of an interactable 3D Scene per Room instead of just swapping to a different cluttered UI.
Finally, the Mouse locks to the Center of the Screen when starting a Dungeonrun, and I can't click on start to actually start it. Sorry.