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-Needs health bars.

-Needs a timer to show when the next wave starts.

-Double clicking shouldn't remove villagers. It makes putting them in buildings take way longer and I thought the game was just unresponsive until I realized what was happening.

-I don't get what triggers the upgrade popup to appear, and why do they have to be random? Just have a normal goddamn tech tree. How am I supposed to know how much 50 health is?

-Add the ability to set a rally point for new villagers.

-Is there any reason not to put your starting villagers in the middle house? If not, just have them start in it.

-+3 attack / +2% attack speed when upgrading a unit is pathetically low, and upgrading knights is pointless with how quickly they die.

-Too much RNG with the enemy spawns. If they're too spread out at the start you won't have enough villagers to keep up. What are you meant to do if 8 enemies spawn in the same lane?

-Archers should always attack the closest enemy instead of spreading out their damage randomly.

-Knights die almost immediately if you place them on top of enemies, but the map is too small for you to place them behind ones that die. It needs to let you move units forward. Knights die in seconds once the armored enemies start spawning.

-Mages seem kind of shit for how long they take to make.

Not knowing how much health your units have makes it practically unplayable since you have no idea what you need to focus on. Is there any way to heal units? Do they regenerate health?

Hey, thank you for your detailled feedback! The double click is for mobile since they dont have a right click but I also dislike the double click but didn't came up with a better solution yet. All the other points are noted and I will work on it.